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  1. about 11 hours ago on Pedro X. Molina

    Yes, the daughter thing. And they can’t argue it’s out of character. Trump made his sexual desire for her public, twice. It is inconceivable that a conservative with any type of values would vote for him. In this, we se not only their long-suspected hypocrisy, but also the reprehensible character of Trump himself. My politics are not very liberal, but conservatism has become a vile display of some of the worst aspects of human nature. I am being quite since when I say I will not be shocked if the RNC convention has Trump armbands and an organized group of loyalists in uniform.

  2. about 12 hours ago on Ted Rall

    Rall is not claiming it does, nor is he demeaning the soldier. The focus of the comic is the perspective of the character that is talking. A safe assumption is that he represents a commonly held view amongst Americans. Sometimes in our haste to criticize, we misunderstand the argument.

  3. about 12 hours ago on Ted Rall

    That is an absurdity, employed as an excuse to do nothing and belittle those that do. Your list is a good example of that. In doing so, you describe your own lack of character. You can argue who started it. You can argue whether it is justified or not. But you cannot argue the human suffering, and you cannot argue US involvement. It is not fashionable; it is what’s hemorrhaging at the moment.

  4. about 13 hours ago on Joe Heller

    Primitive people explained things like an eclipse or the Northern Lights as the work of a deity as it went far from any possible comprehension. As time passed this behavior became more refined. Any illness or tragedy was an act of God or due to witches, curses, the devil or evil spirits. But the reasoning was still the same. Today, while many people believe in God and some believe in a vengeful God that punishes us with natural disasters, we still look back on the people of the past as ignorant and fearful. Yet, at the same time, many people believe in conspiracies that control events. The conspiracies, like Flat Earth, allow for science but still reach a point where they have no evidence of their claim. I think one of the greatest phenomena of our time is how Trump has gathered and expanded these people. Virtually every negative aspect of his political career is covered by conspiracy. There is no other way to view this phenomenon: frightened, ignorant people, in a world beyond their comprehension (or acceptance), need to have Trump save and protect them. Of course, this does not describe all Trump supporters.

  5. about 14 hours ago on Mike Beckom

    I’m trying to wrap my head around the whole issue as I haven’t paid much attention. I too was a Scout and loved camping. I was in it entirely for camping and hiking and had little care for much else. I didn’t know of any abuse, but in retrospect, I do remember a creepy older scout in one troop. The point is that those rough and tumble days of canvas tents with no bottoms and primitive food have long given way to the concept of safety and hygiene. My mind is drawn back to the first black kid in the entire council and how alone or different he must have felt. I know he got hassled by boys from another troop. Some of the dads had harsh comments, and racism was strong in some areas. But Scouts didn’t die, and the wokeness of that period was slowly accepted. So just what is it, now? Not the who, but how will it be ruined.

  6. about 15 hours ago on Mike Beckom

    That’s a rather broad statement. Do you prefer homosexuals to be criminalized, legal but hidden or just generally restricted? I ask this in all seriousness since you claim the entire community is ruining great institutions.

  7. about 19 hours ago on Steve Kelley

    The old joke is that everyone in prison claims they are innocent. And we naturally scoff at that. Yet Trump has claimed since he first entered politics that every negative claim about him is a lie. The news is fake. It’s a set up. It’s a conspiracy. And to back this up, he offers a checkered past and a litany of reprehensible comments and actions. I don’t know if Kelly is a true believer, but for the people he represents, I doubt that there is anything that will change their minds. So, of course, Cohen was really a deep planted agent who started setting Trump up years ago, just for this time. And through it all, the conspiracy members grew in number and kept it all hidden. After all, who ever heard of a politician or high-profile businessman getting caught in flagrante delicto, and when has Trump ever said anything to suggest he might be that kind of person?

  8. about 19 hours ago on Bob Gorrell

    This is highly misleading as the gag order has nothing to do with the issues facing America or why the people should vote for Trump. If anything, this shows how Trump doesn’t campaign on issues as much as he campaigns on petty emotionalism.

  9. about 19 hours ago on Bob Gorrell

    I think you are at the wrong comic. This one has nothing to do with testifying. Furthermore, Trump, like any other defendant cannot be compelled to testify. The decision is his.

  10. about 20 hours ago on Eric Allie

    This comic shows how inaccurate the conservative view is. A surgery is planned to be the least invasive as possible and do as little damage to the body as possible. Prior to the surgery, the body is prepared to prevent pain and after the surgery, everything is done to help the body heal. That’s why we use the term surgical strike to describe an attack with similar parameters. In reality, the war is being conducted in a massive and indiscriminate manner. And to reinforce their erroneous view, they lambasted Biden for withholding arms, when the only thing withheld was 2000 and 500 Lb. bombs. In terms of this comic, that would depict the surgeons sawing the body in two and Biden trying to stop them from killing the patient.