Cat pic

DKHenderson Free

Recent Comments

  1. 1 day ago on JumpStart

    He seems to be working the desk with his hip.

  2. 1 day ago on Rose is Rose

    Clem’s looking at his apple as if he isn’t sure just what it is….

  3. 1 day ago on Rose is Rose

    I believe that there was a previous Sunday strip with this same basic storyline.

  4. 1 day ago on Rose is Rose


  5. 1 day ago on Rose is Rose

    Cereal surfing?

  6. 1 day ago on Rose is Rose

    Jimbo shouldn’t have looked so grumpy. Surprised, yes.

  7. 1 day ago on Rose is Rose

    I like to think of Jimbo consulting his watch, excusing himself, and marching off to the park to provide a lap for his kitten.

  8. 1 day ago on Rose is Rose

    I always wondered what a porkpie hat looked like. Maybe it would look better if Jimbo and Corky were wearing vintage clothes.

  9. 1 day ago on JumpStart

    Shouldn’t Peterson be out arresting drunks or something?

  10. 1 day ago on Baby Blues

    Over at “Calvin and Hobbes”, Calvin was reciting a list that included torn pants, grass stains, scratches, tree sap, etc. Hobbes observed that “Consider this day seized!”