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Wonder-Wart-Hog Free

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  1. 10 days ago on Dana Summers

    Your reference to a cabbage is a classic Thomas Nast symbol used in his editorial cartoons. in the 1850’s and 1860’s. it was placed at the feet of who it was pointed at and it meant that person was a moron. He also used the “tar baby” this was a small doll that was coated in tar. In his cartoons it was stuck the person’s leg. This symbolised an issue he was stuck with. Back in the 1850’s immigration was a big issue. Irish Immigration specifically. Starting about 1825 young Irish ladies would emigrate to New England to take on domestic staff jobs. It was a good living, they were a respected part of the household. More often than not they married well to a young man who was part of the extended family of her employer. It was when the loutish Male Irish followed in the 1850’s that things got nasty. The Domestic staff ladies were OK but the male immigrants were uneducated, drunks, and worst of all Catholic. I have Orange Irish ancestry they immigrated to New England in the 1730’s and later fought in the Revolution and the War of 1812.

  2. 10 days ago on Mike Lester

    All cartoons have their own Websites with cartoons that are not published here.

  3. 10 days ago on Mike Lester
    If you go let us know where you go. I very much like editorial cartoons they have a wonderful history going back the earliest days of printed newspapers in the early 18th century.
  4. 11 days ago on Mike Beckom

    You don’t seem to realize that had Trump not turned to point at a sigh to stage left he would be dead with a bullet through his brain, it missed by just a cm. And this was the 2nd shot there is a photo the shows another bullet zooming off behind him. Staged? only in the mind of a hate filled anti Trumper.

  5. 11 days ago on Michael Ramirez

    You don’t have a clue. The raised fist, Trump exhorting the crowd to fight and the historical photo that goes with is is part of our history and people 100 years from now will be looking at it as the symbol of the Trump presidency. People in Europe watching this remarked there was almost no panic. people were angry, not frightened.

  6. 13 days ago on Michael Ramirez

    Assassination attempt on Trump. The $hit is going to hit the fan now. You a$$ holes have been out for blood for years. Be careful of paybacks.

  7. 13 days ago on Michael Ramirez

    Just look at San Francisco. Hilton Union Square and Park 55 hotels, has lost $1 billion in value. Hilton is walking away. They are not looking to sell they are just leaving, and letting SF foreclose.

  8. 15 days ago on Michael Ramirez
    I think is is high comedy. Biben figured with his pet prosecutors he could get Trump gagged so he and required to show up in court everyday so he couldn’t campaign, convicted and jailed. The gassing of the MSM was “Trump convicted felon”. First the SCOTUS shot down most of the Jan 6 charges, Next they confirmed that a President had immunity for official and acts those that fell with of the scope of unofficial duties of a President, after all the President has 1st amendment rights like everybody else. Now look at the new cycle, it is all Biden and his cognitive status, does he have stage 4 Parkinson’s disease It sure looks like it. But now all that is being talking about Biden, who can replace him, can he be replaced. Meanwhile Trump sits in the background with that Cheshire Cat grin as he watches, as we all are the Democratic party going down in flames.
  9. 16 days ago on Joey Weatherford

    If the Teamster’s Union had not screwed over American truckers.

  10. 16 days ago on Joey Weatherford

    You don’t seem to remember that Trump made life hell for companies that wanted to move to Mexico. In the end it was derailed by covid.