
NewBurgundy Free

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  1. 4 days ago on On A Claire Day

    pushing me towards expensive things will push me out of the store. I much prefer Claire’s honest approach.

  2. 9 days ago on The Big Picture

    sorta reminds me of when I dated a guy (who’s now been my husband for 38 years) who was in the same circle of friends as my older brother. I felt like a got a promotion: from someone’s little sister to someone’s girlfriend.

  3. 11 days ago on FurBabies

    I’m deeply sorry for your loss. it’s never easy losing our furry friends.

  4. about 1 month ago on Luann

    also, does every clinic have “higher than normal call volume” ALL THE TIME?

  5. about 1 month ago on Luann

    My doctor used to have his own office and receptionist – making appointments was so easy. Now he’s in the stupid clinic – making an appointment is just like today’s strip.

  6. about 1 month ago on For Better or For Worse

    I had a dog that loved to chase balls. I taught him to release the ball by having a second ball on hand.

  7. about 1 month ago on On A Claire Day

    Fine. I don’t want to give up my “snuggle with Bradley” time.

  8. about 1 month ago on On A Claire Day

    okay, That’s the new term around here too!

  9. about 1 month ago on The Big Picture

    I used to be a cub leader (cubscout leader to Americans) and I got the impression that some parents liked to label their child’s behavioural issues with a medical term so clearly, “there was nothing they could do about it.” Possibly I’m just cynical.

  10. about 2 months ago on For Better or For Worse

    Years ago, we had one dog – we’d let him out in the backyard and he knew to bark to be let back in. Then we got a second dog who came from a home where they kept him outside all the time and I assume he was scolded if he barked. He observed his new brother bark and be let back in. When he wanted in – I’d never heard a dog try to whisper his bark before…