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  1. 8 months ago on Non Sequitur

    Clearly an effort on Miller’s part to sow distrust in the Constitution and mock the rule of law. Remember the time he “F” bombed the President of the United States of America? And why did he pull that one off??? He’s clearly a pawn and a minion of Killer Joe Biden, bent on undermining the American Way!

  2. 8 months ago on Michael Ramirez

    Killer Joe Biden is not a joke. He’s a crafty, malevolent anti American terrorist bent on destroying the Constitution. That’s why he had the CIA formulate Plan Brutus, in the event that President Donald Trump appears likely to be reelected.

  3. 8 months ago on Michael Ramirez

    At least Jordan, unlike McCarthy, is not a supporter of Killer Joe Biden.

  4. 8 months ago on Michael Ramirez

    Joke???!!! Is that why the FBI, CIA & DOJ are launching a coordinated plan to ID all registered Republicans with an eye to “detaining” them as “domestic terrorists”?

  5. over 1 year ago on Bloom County

    Could be worse. Could be a buncha Congresspersons.