Juco 81

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  1. 4 months ago on Gil Thorp

    Did they change the rule in H.S. basketball about no jersey digits over 5? When I was in H.S., home was odds and away was evens so no two players on the court wore the same number, regardless of team. The uniform sets would be 10 and 11, 12 and 13, 14 and 15 and then on to the 20’s,30’s,40’s and 50’s but no number ever higher than 55 since like most humans, the ref only had five fingers on each hand to indicate fouls.

  2. 5 months ago on Gil Thorp

    There must be 50 ways to leave your lover. Slip out the back Jack. Head for the hills Gil.

  3. 6 months ago on Gil Thorp

    Tomorrows strip; Gil washing the sheets and his pajama bottoms. Wasn’t Mimi supposed to be home about three weeks ago?

  4. 6 months ago on Gil Thorp

    White, vampire eyes.

  5. 7 months ago on Gil Thorp

    Are we re-visiting the pregnant teen storyline or is Henry throwing us a red herring? Maybe we’ll at least find out if Milford is in a red or blue state.

  6. 10 months ago on Gil Thorp

    So they are going to broadcast a game played by juvenile offenders? It should be interesting since, at least in my state, you’re not allowed to identify anyone under 18 in the police blotter or any other media. Usually reads something like “John Jones, 18, Joe Smith, 18, and a 16 year-old juvenile, were arrested for assault”. I can hear it now. Number 12 drops back to pass and hits number 87 over the middle where he’s brought down by number 55. Oh, but it’s coming back because number 68 was holding number 96.

  7. about 1 year ago on Gil Thorp

    Since there’s no speech bubble in P-2, where Luke is going over the “Limp D%#k” defense on the white board, is it actually Gil saying "You’ve got them on the ropes…? The statement is finished in P-3 from out of frame and they cleverly show the team in silhouette to make us think it’s VT. Would it really matter anyway since their uniforms changed colors four times in four days? Who knows.

  8. about 1 year ago on Gil Thorp

    OK, I’m typically not in for the cancel culture but someone needs to be fired. I can accept flaws such as Keri being 9 years old when Tabi/Toby was born but somehow now is younger. Things like that would happen in the soap operas all the time. But when you can’t even keep the score straight on two consecutive days? Where in the rules of basketball does it state that points can be taken away? Also, is this soccer where extra time is added? It was clearly stated on Saturday that the score was 18-8 at the END of the first quarter yet today, they are still in the first quarter and Milford somehow lost 5 points with 3 being made up at the buzzer. Where is the editor? How can such an obvious error go unchecked? Everyone involved in this should be embarrassed.

  9. about 1 year ago on Gil Thorp

    We had the “trough” which was a pipe with holes drilled in it attached to a sawhorse. We got that delicious, hot, hose water. Nothing like it on a nice, 98 degree, 98% humidity August afternoon in the Chicago suburbs. Senior year, Coach decided he would give us ice cubes instead but only one to a customer.

  10. about 1 year ago on Gil Thorp

    Back in the 70s, we did something called the Indian run where the team would run around the perimeter of the field and the guy at the back of the line would have to sprint to the front and so on and so on. I think we would do it for like a half an hour, sometimes longer if Coach was pi$$ed and we had around 50 guys on the roster. Was not fun for us linemen.