Grumpy cat


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  1. about 5 hours ago on The Buckets

    Barefoot, of course.

  2. about 5 hours ago on The Buckets

    I’ve always enjoyed being in the heat outdoors and NEVER complained about being “too hot”. Still don’t. Even decades later and living in Arizona!!! I love the heat. I’m out on my bike in 110’s every day (properly hydrated and respectful of my limitations, of course!!)

  3. about 6 hours ago on The Duplex

    I’ve been known to go to the gym just to use the whirlpool. But that’s after I’ve already run and/or biked several miles outdoors.

  4. about 6 hours ago on Edge City

    My dad has the solution to this problem. He doesn’t tell Mom what he’s going to order. And when the server comes around, to take the order, he doesn’t order verbally, he just points to his selection on the menu. Then Mom doesn’t even see his unhealthy choice until it comes to the table and it’s too late for her to do anything about it. Dad’s in his 90s. After having made it this long, he’s entitled to eat whatever he wants.

  5. about 6 hours ago on Edge City

    Exactly. The next time he goes out, he needs to leave her at home with her rabbit food so he can enjoy his real food guilt-free.

  6. about 11 hours ago on Luann

    And FINALLY – Marian the Librarian has scrounged up some motivation.

  7. 1 day ago on Diamond Lil

    Yep. The version I heard was told to me by a middle school teacher, but the stakes weren’t quite as high. It involved the brothers being twins, standing at a fork in the road, and being asked for directions as to which fork to choose.

  8. 1 day ago on Diamond Lil

    Well ChessPirate above gave the correct answer – so it’s no longer just my secret to sell. :)

  9. 1 day ago on B.C.

    Great choice – if one is under 4 feet tall.

  10. 1 day ago on The Born Loser

    My local Costco has been selling Halloween merchandise for at least the last couple of weeks already. Christmas can’t be far behind.