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Moldy Bread Free

I'm a loaf of bread, with mold. Ewww!!??? Hey, I can still be eaten, and used to make penicillin. Lots of diseases out there...

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  1. over 2 years ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Sigh… Such foolishness, and sanctimony. ‘Rona and the Jab. You’d think there’d be something for everyone and leave it at that, but as often observed, busybodies can’t leave well enough alone.

    For the Pro-Jab movement, they should be ecstatic, snug, smug and safe with their foolproof mRNA factories, while the ignorant mass of unclean catch the bug and entertain us with their dead bug dance.

    For the Anti-Jab movement, they can be ecstatic snug, smug and safe with their foolproof immune system while the ignorant mass of jabbers do untold harm to their immune systems at some indeterminate time in the future.

    The decision is easy: let people take every precaution they feel is necessary while letting others do the same, even if it means risk to their own health, or death. Win-win! Remember, the shot does NOT prevent you from catching or spreading the virus, it does appear however to improve your odds of survival. And speaking of odds, in terms of the odds of dying for the un-jabbed person if they catch it, while it’s not 0% for healthy people, it’s still far less deadly than other things that can kill you.

  2. over 2 years ago on Lisa Benson

    Oh my! Anthropogenic Global warming you say? Whatever should we do? Suffice to say if you swallow that hokum, perhaps, when you are done swallowing, and pull that diseased appendage out of your gullet, you’ll go learn some real science. The truth is, whether humans impact the climate or not, it doesn’t matter in the big scheme of things.

    Now, before you burst a blood vessel and spew filth, learn about the life cycle of stars. Start with the one in our neighborhood – Sol. You see it’s halfway through its main sequence, and it’s all downhill from here. Things will get ugly, ending with the earth being incinerated, though life as we know it, will be long gone before the Red Giant shows up.

    It we don’t find a way off this rock, and become a space faring species, our goose (and gander) is cooked. Please try and stay focused on important things and stop with your infantile, human arrogance. How droll, and dangerous, to think that anything you do, or force others to do, to lower the earth’s temperature, will amount to anything positive, because it won’t.

    You want to lower your “carbon footprint,” go right ahead and knock yourself the f out with that, but stop being so self-righteous in thinking “you” are saving the world. Talk about a god complex.

  3. over 2 years ago on Lisa Benson

    Sigh… tenant/landlord, lord/subject, smoke and mirrors, prestidigitation, government meddling, bourgeois/proletariat, and other tropes. As tragic and unfortunate as it is, the government has no right to interfere with the rights of a property owner, at least according to the established principles of this country. Governments have power, enforced at the end of a barrel, and if you don’t constrain it, it will blow off your face, whatever “color” you choose. And it damn well has no business preventing eviction for lack of rent payment OR paying landlords for back due rent. But then, that concept of property is long dead, just like this country. Have fun with your petty political squabbles while the world around you incinerates.

  4. almost 3 years ago on Lisa Benson

    There are two types of Federal debt: public and intra-governmental. BOTH must be paid, at least in an honest monetary system. Public debt are the securities held by investors outside the federal government: investors, foreign, state and local governments, and the Federal Reserve System. Intra-governmental debt are all those wonderful Treasury securities held in accounts administered by the federal government, such as the Social Security Trust Fund.

    The govvie types do a sleight of hand trick by focusing only on the annual federal government budget deficit or surplus based on the cash difference between government receipts and spending, and completely ignoring intra-governmental transfers. So sure, Billy Bob the Cigar Plunger “ran a surplus” under those conditions, which I will add was with the opposition party in majority of both the Senate and the house, so please stop making it sounds as if was all his doing, because it wasn’t’. If calculated correctly he came close one year, we can give him credit for that, but Ike was the last president to have a balanced budget and surplus. Next thing you’ll be telling me inflation is normal, nothing for normal people to worry about, and how the government frames it is honest. This is not a blue/red issue…

  5. almost 3 years ago on Lisa Benson

    Kind of sad, and a bit bush-league. You think the government and media gives one flying f^$K about you? That they are your friends? You fight over talking points like mangy dogs fighting over diseased scraps while your Overlords and Masters play. This country is like an elk that’s just been shot through the heart (murdered in Double D’s mind); it’s running from the shock and doesn’t yet realize it’s dead. Oh, and the balanced budget BS, it’s scam and hype because we don’t have an honest money system. Nixon finished what the Fed started. You people cherry picking over policy points is tragically farcical. I’ll wager most don’t understand how our tax system works. Hint: if you think our taxes are used to pay for infrastructure, roads, any silly social cause, or business break your side favors, then I suggest you dig a little deeper, because that’s not how it works, and hasn’t for over a hundred years.

  6. almost 3 years ago on Lisa Benson

    If, on the other hand, you don’t believe in such fuzzy headed nonsense, and instead believe that the concept of a soul is whimsical superstition, and life is merely the result of random interactions of atoms, proteins and molecules, grooving together in a slimy, primordial ooze, well, then life has no meaning does it? This might actually be a “good” thing, though there’s no point in talking about good and bad, right or wrong in a morally neutral (and neutered) universe. In which case we can rely on Charlie’s theory of survival of the fittest, and the hunter can hunt you with no more moral ambiguity or guilt as easily as bambi, or me for that matter because life has no meaning. That seems to be a rather cold, heartless, and pointless universe. You can have it.

  7. almost 3 years ago on Lisa Benson

    Oh Double D, it takes a singularly remarkable mind that can ascribe sentience and innocence to a deer and likewise claim that a hunter is a murderer. Are deer now people? Or is it “wrong” to kill all forms of life, or just all forms of sentient life? Are you the arbiter of sentience? Afterall, you do seem to have a big brain and it could possibly encompass the required sublime capacity to know precisely where to draw the line. What if the deer were guilty, is it then ok to gun it down in cold blood? Is a lion bad, or guilty for killing an innocent, sentient zebra, sometimes eating it while it is still alive? Or is that just nature getting on with the business of existence?

    I’m surprised, and disappointed in this sloppy thinking from you. If you tell me that killing a deer, a cow, a chicken, a fish, an oyster, carrying out capital punishment on a convicted murderer, or performing an abortion are all equivalent, because each act terminates the life force by means of the human hand, and are against each of them, and if you live your life according to that principle, then at least there some consistency in your thinking that all life is precious and I’d like to think you take a stand against all such acts of violence. If you don’t, how can I trust anything you write?

    If you subscribe to the notion of a biblically ordered universe, then killing and harvesting of animals for sustenance is permitted. Mind you mankind is instructed to not be cruel about it since it does recognize that it is the taking of life.