
Free or Not? Premium

Do you want to be free or controlled by the collectivist elitists?

Recent Comments

  1. about 2 hours ago on Doonesbury


  2. about 2 hours ago on For Heaven's Sake

    I am not showing people God’s peace and love ? I started this off with a simple quote of scripture on praying. You then decided to change the subject to your own pet agenda…"God is “Them”, not “He”…you asserted.

    Why would you seek to offend the vast majority of Christians with these extreme and false teachings? that is not loving or in the spirit of promoting peace?

    Maybe because you admit you are a Church of one, issuing authoritarian edicts from on high to others. Those who disagree with you, the “authority of the church of Deswolo’” are wrong and less then.

    Can you see the irony here? It certainly can be smelled and it stinks.

  3. about 2 hours ago on For Heaven's Sake

    Interesting reply, but your assertion that you submit to God’s authority contradicts what is said here, by you:

    (Quoting me) "So, basically, as you admit: YOU are your own church and your OWN authority.

    YOU:A simplified version of what I believe, yes.

    The “Church” is the body of believers, and I do enjoy the fellowship of like minded believers, but it is not essential to my salvation.

    As for being my ‘own authority’ my guidance in life comes from the scriptures, specifically the words of Jesus. My guiding principle is Matthew 22:37-39."

    So, if you submit to God’s authority, as you claim, then you must agree that abortion is murder and should not be allowed in society. Right?

    You must agree that marriage is solely between a man and a woman? Right?

    You must agree that sex outside of Marriage (Adultery and fornication) are sins and forbidden? Right?

    You must agree that homosexual sex is one of the unforgivable sins?

  4. about 15 hours ago on For Heaven's Sake

    It is so funny to see you guys chasing me down to argue against the evangelization I am doing. This comic strip is supposed to be for “Heaven’s” Sake. But you both want to come here and destroy biblical teaching, any religion and any leadership in the church.

    Jesus, who you both claim to follow in some way, built the CHURCH. It is his Bride on Earth and he asked his Apostles to build it. He gave them the great commission to spread the truth of the Gospel everywhere. .

    If all you want to do is destroy all of these teachings while cloaking yourself in cafeteria ethics solely based on what YOU, personally, have concluded as your own self-appointed gods.

    You are both transparent and it has been fun exposing each of you as attempting to destroy faith in God and the Church built by Christ.


  5. about 15 hours ago on For Heaven's Sake

    It is so funny to see you guys chasing me down to argue against the evangelization I am doing. This comic strip is supposed to be for “Heaven’s” Sake. But you both want to come here and destroy biblical teaching, any religion and any leadership in the church.

    Jesus, who you both claim to follow in some way, built the CHURCH. It is his Bride on Earth and he asked his Apostles to build it. He gave them the great commission to spread the truth of the Gospel everywhere.

    If all you want to do is destroy all of these teachings while cloaking yourself in cafeteria ethics solely based on what YOU, personally, have concluded as your own self-appointed gods.

    You are both transparent and it has been fun exposing each of you as attempting to destroy faith in God and the Church built by Christ.


  6. about 15 hours ago on For Heaven's Sake

    YEs, you admit you are your own authority and your own church. You then point to Matthew 22:37-39, to whit:

    ” 37 And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. 38 This is the great and first commandment. 39 And a second is like it, You shall love your neighbor as yourself. 40 On these two commandments depend all the law and the prophets.”

    So, how can you love God with all your heart, all your mind and all your soul, if you don’t submit to His Authority? If God instructs to avoid sin, but you disagree with what a sin is, then how can you Love God?

    You are basically idolizing yourself and placing yourself as God.

  7. about 15 hours ago on For Heaven's Sake

    It is clear that you embrace Situational ethics. You admit that your ethics and morals are utilitarian. You admit that we should have fewer people on earth, thus supporting de-population. You state that you are the final authority on what is acceptable – but it will be based on the whim of the day and the “situation”.

    You reject “good” and “Evil” and argue they don’t exist.

    Thus you are creating a chaotic world that is unpredictable and subjected to the arbitrary whims of others in power.

    Your approach is collectivist and a danger to humanity. It does not respect the individual dignity of individuals. Rather is sees individuals as a cog in the wheel of producing the sought objective of the power structure. Thus always have been tyranical regimes.

  8. about 15 hours ago on Doonesbury

    Yes. Fight, Fight Fight! Against the death of America sought by the leftists and the globalist/fascist puppet masters. Peacefully, Fight Fight Fight!

  9. 1 day ago on Luann

    There is no Mr. or Mrs. “Perfect”. We enter into relationships as imperfect people. Are objectives should be to fund a husband or wife who we can travel life with, love (despite their imperfections) and have children. We humble ourselves and work to grow together.

  10. 1 day ago on Doonesbury

    WRong. Most people entered after the breach. The cops did not ask them to leave. They walked in unaware of what going on.