Girls pose

uncle snipe Free

Recent Comments

  1. about 5 hours ago on Breaking Cat News

    Me too! Beautifully well put.

  2. about 11 hours ago on Breaking Cat News

    And possibly the bit where he looks down at his estimate, then peers up from his reading glasses, makes a face, looks back down at it, says…Oh, forgot about that bit there. Lots of chin rubbing, head shaking.

  3. about 12 hours ago on Breaking Cat News

    I got a real charge out of hearing this!

  4. about 12 hours ago on Breaking Cat News

    But remember, the Tidy Woman put something under the bureau to stop Sophie from hiding under it. She might not have anywhere to go, forcing her to turn and fight! And even a declawed cat can scratch the holy be jeebies out of you! Not to mention bite.

  5. about 12 hours ago on Breaking Cat News

    Don’t forget, the Tidy Woman called for animal control. Which we’re all hoping will be Sophie’s Woman!

  6. about 12 hours ago on Breaking Cat News


  7. about 12 hours ago on Breaking Cat News

    Me too. I like the idea behind it too. Fun fact, he’s Sean Penn’s brother.

  8. about 20 hours ago on Breaking Cat News

    It sounds like Sophie is doing enough damage for two!

  9. about 20 hours ago on Breaking Cat News

    It’s also the approach I imagine Ryan Air and Spirit Air take to the toilets onboard their planes. LOL I know in my mind they totally have pay toilets.

  10. about 20 hours ago on Breaking Cat News

    Presumably, it would either have a “cellular” device inside it, or could be hard-wired into the internet for it’s services. Either way, you’re right, Burt could rig something.