
Ahsum Free

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  1. 6 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    I’ve moved Colony (one of my story concepts) from book 10: Exiled to book 11: tentatively named Devastation and came up with two additional story concepts (one for each book).

    Currently, Exiled has the following stories: Vengeance, Banished, Fugitive, and Eradication.

    Eradication will tell what happened to the squad of guards that went missing in Throwback.

    In other news, I’ve expanded my map of the Homelands to include the entire relevant continent. When I did thei, I added a graphic to show the area in the Mirkith Desert affected by radiation. Note, at the time of the “distant past” sections of Pilgrimage, the outer portions of the area had already become safe. I’ve updated the “maps” album in my Imgur account.

    The new book will have Colony and Abandoned. I expect to come up with additional stories for this book. Note: While I’ve designed a cover for Devastation, I haven’t yet written enough of any of the stories for it to have something for the back cover.

    The kindle editions of each of my published books are free to read through kindle unlimited.

    For bonus material, the URL of my WordPress page is on the profile page of this account.

  2. 6 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Sunday Funday

  3. 12 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    My books are published on Amazon through their KDP program.

  4. 12 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    I’m glad you’re enjoying my stories.

  5. 13 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    After I published Observances, I ordered hardcover and paperback copies. The hardcover arrived Friday and was on my porch when I left for my appointment at the wound care clinic, so I brought it with me and showed it off to the staff at the clinic. Unfortunately, when I flipped through the book, I found a formatting error. Since it was a formatting error, I may be the only one who’d notice, but it bothered me that it was there. After my appointment, I checked my files at home and the error was in the manuscripts for all three editions. I fixed the error and re-uploaded the files.

    For anyone who bought the kindle edition, you can have Amazon refresh your copy to fix the error. Fortunately, it’s only a formatting error and doesn’t affect the story itself.

    The kindle editions of each of my published books are free to read through kindle unlimited.

    For bonus material, the URL of my WordPress page is on the profile page of this account.

  6. 13 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Sunday Funday

  7. 20 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    I’ve published Observances, and am now working full time on my next book. I’d planned to have the publishing date as July 4th, but my timing for the kindle edition was off and it ended up with a publishing date of July 3rd. Oh, well. It’s odd that KDP lists July 4th, but Amazon lists the 3rd. I’d think they’d use the same publishing dates since it’s the same company.

    The kindle editions of each of my published books are free to read through kindle unlimited.

    For bonus material, the URL of my WordPress page is on the profile page of this account.

  8. 20 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Sunday Funday

  9. 27 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Banished is sort of a part 2 for Pilgrimage (I had more story I’d wanted to add to Pilgrimage, but it would have made the story awkward), so I decided to get the overlap scenes done before I go back to working on Vengeance. One bonus of having multiple stories to write is that I can switch it up if I get stuck on how to continue the story I’ve been working on.

    Vengeance and Banished are the only stories of the four I have planned to include in Exiled for which I’ve completed the opening scenes (which can be read if you click the links on my WordPress page). Fugitive and Colony have the first few sentences of their opening scenes written, so I’ll know where to take the stories when I start working on them seriously.

    The kindle editions of each of my published books are free to read through kindle unlimited.

    For bonus material, the URL of my WordPress page is on the profile page of this account.

  10. 27 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Sunday Funday