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  1. about 12 hours ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons

    I believe you are making those prices up; they are nothing close to what I pay in my area. If I remember correctly, spare ribs here were $3.49, loin was $2.99 and a dozen eggs were $2.29; large white, non organic, non free range. Gas, as of yesterday was $3.89 reg. unleaded.

  2. about 13 hours ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons

    The standard venue of the hypocrite, blame the victim.

  3. about 13 hours ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons

    Ah yes, all the statistics that show a booming economy; except they omit the cost of energy and food. The two things we all depend on and effect the cost of everything else. When was the last time you went to the grocery store? Why is it that you progressives, when it favors your political agenda, are all gung ho for the average Joe, but when it goes against your agenda, you blame him for poor decisions?

  4. about 13 hours ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons

    They are a joke. Anyone who has a minimal grasp of the law realizes the trials are the beginning of a kangaroo court system in the US.

  5. 1 day ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons

    Nope. He’s correct.

  6. 1 day ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons

    Oh my! It seems the little man has been triggered by a differing opinion. Actually, the true cancer is the progressive movement, and anyone who supports it and works for it’s establishment. It is filled with hate for America, individual liberty, Free speech, Freedom of religion, and the ability to defend yourself. It, you, are attempting to tear down what is the foundation that has drawn immigrants from all over the world to our shores; the ability to live your life free from oppressive, theological and ideological rulers. To make your own way, to try and achieve wealth and security. And the ability to try again should you fail the first, second or third time. If you want to talk about traitors, look in the mirror first.

  7. 2 days ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons

    Nope. He’s correct

  8. 7 days ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons

    I’m glad to see you’re recovered and not to tired to post. It must be exhausting to have to think about anything outside your bubble. Why don’t you take a nap?

  9. 7 days ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons

    Well, let me follow up with a few observations on your post. 1) by referring to the Native Americans as “Indians” you don’t know or care to much about them. 2) To which Native Americans are you referring? The Neolithic tribes that crossed the Bering straights, the Polynesians that landed in South America a few hundred years later? The Cree, Crow, Haudenosaunee, Hopi, Navaho? 3) AS it is and was throughout history, any people can take their land back if they can do so by force of arms.

  10. 7 days ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons

    First of all, your post makes no sense; It is a non-sequitur to my post. If you need help understanding what I said; The Israelis and Arabs (Canaanites) have both been fighting over the same land for 5500 years. Both are natives to the area; old1953 only mentioned the Arabs as natives.