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Recent Comments

  1. 1 day ago on B.C.

    I had a “spider”…also a “TT” ;)

  2. 13 days ago on Tim Campbell

    Biden’s accomplishments in face of GOP obstruction have proven his plans work. A Patriot with a proven record of working to improve the systems that are, and always have been faulty OR Project 2025. Do your homework … it is the very Least you can do for your country.

  3. 17 days ago on Tim Campbell

    Thing is…Joe Biden’s team of leaders are better on his worst day than Trump’s terrifying team (Roger stone, Gannon, Stephen Miller) on their best day. in fact, I’d argue Trump’s team is especially terrifying on their “best day” We have a choice: support Biden’s team or let our kids inherit “The Day The Music Died”

  4. 19 days ago on Batch Rejection

    Mindful Being Present vs Mindless scattering It’s a sad choice

  5. 19 days ago on Clay Jones

    This should be top of the commentaries Seriously.

  6. 20 days ago on Clay Bennett

    My daughter says she will vote for Biden, but if Dems chose to run her Rhodesian puppy as candidate, she’s vote for him: lots of screaming and a very sharp bite. Now I think of it, that’s something Dems have needed a long time.

  7. 22 days ago on Chris Britt

    And the hits just keep on coming…

  8. 22 days ago on Drew Sheneman


  9. 22 days ago on Mike Luckovich

    Oh man…there’s an image burned into my brain ugh lol

  10. 23 days ago on Matt Davies

    SCOTUS Bought and paid for, pushed through by Mitch McConnell, and a weak Democratic Senate… all lied under oath to respect precedent.