Yesterday I was on a busy road with a 45 MPH speed limit. When I turned onto the road, went a little ways, traffic was stopped on both sides with an extended line of cars on both sides. I saw people running in the direction I came from. I was totally confused until I saw a Golden Retriever run by. By everybody stopping it allowed people to get down the road in the direction he was running and they were able to grab him. Made my day.
We were together for years before we got married. After a small wedding we went to Vegas. Before the wedding we invited family and friends on our honeymoon/ trip. 14 people decided to go, we all flew out together and stayed at the same hotel. We had a riot. Even after all these years when we are around those that went the conversation always turns to the best honeymoon they ever went on, lol.
It could be she’s feeling stressed because Gus has added another option to consider while she’s still struggling with the idea if she really wants to move. It’s understandable the thought of possibly moving along with taking on the responsibility of building a new house could be overwhelming for her.
My wife and I got engaged but delayed the wedding until we bought our first house. After buying our home we delayed our wedding again to update our home. After updating we came across another house we wanted. So we sold our first, bought the second which caused yet another delay. After getting the second house we realized there was more work then we thought so we delayed the wedding yet again. Finally after a 7 year engagement we were married, lol. Been happily married since, still living in our second house.
Yesterday I was on a busy road with a 45 MPH speed limit. When I turned onto the road, went a little ways, traffic was stopped on both sides with an extended line of cars on both sides. I saw people running in the direction I came from. I was totally confused until I saw a Golden Retriever run by. By everybody stopping it allowed people to get down the road in the direction he was running and they were able to grab him. Made my day.