Razak thmb

LukeSlater Free

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  1. 2 days ago on Bad Machinery

    Thinking about it, it may have been used in the documentary for French Algerians obliged to reimmigrate to France on account of the Algerians wanting Algiers back.

  2. 3 days ago on Bad Machinery

    There is a fine tradition of obscurely tangential nicknames. There was an arc in Aussie soap Home & Away where the younger characters were trying to track the school bully’s cousin Liz through her phone contacts, only to discover she was listed under A for Anna (Anna, goanna, lizard, liz.)

    A girl named Verity once challenged me to find a nickname for her, and I came up with Mushroom. Verity sounds like ferrety, the black-footed ferret is the largest true weasel, pied noir (black foot) is a somewhat reclaimed name for Algerian immigrants in France (I’d been watching a documentary, but obviously that wasn’t somewhere I wanted to stop,) pied bleu (blue foot) is a type of mushroom.

  3. 14 days ago on Bad Machinery

    Darren may be including time awaiting trial, but only borrowed the money shortly before his actual sentence began.

  4. 29 days ago on Bad Machinery

    Curse you, Go Comics and your entirely reasonable unwillingness to post links.

    Search ‘nems bad machinery’ for the skinny on the Beatles rectification, and the re-rectification which never happened as it was deemed ‘beyond my skill to draw’ by the Ministry’s ultimate superior.

  5. 29 days ago on Bad Machinery

    The Ministry’s track record vis a vis the Beatles is… less than excellent.


  6. about 2 months ago on Bad Machinery

    Pretty sure it’s one of the last two; Darren is a felon, but he’s not a racist.

  7. 2 months ago on Bad Machinery

    The secret origin of the superhero known as… The Hot Pink Clover Mite!

  8. 2 months ago on Bad Machinery

    Wendlefield, Tackleford’s OG ‘you can’t get there from here.’

  9. 3 months ago on Bad Machinery

    In Jordan’s warped and toxic worldview, Tuan ‘stole’ ‘his’ ‘girlfriend’ and Lottie ‘put him in the friendzone.’ (Clearly inaccurate, not least because Lottie has very obviously never considered Jordan a friend.) This way, he’s got Tuan to act out, lost Lottie her internship, possibly driven a wedge between Tuan and Lottie by causing Tuan to lose Lottie her internship, and established some sort of alpha-jerk dominance that matters to exactly one person. Also, for someone like Jordan, it’s probably fine if everything blows up in his face, as long as he knows that he lit the fuse and at least one person was standing closer to the petard.

  10. 3 months ago on Bad Machinery

    That’s ten gallons of j’accuse in a five pint Lottie.