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  1. over 4 years ago on Two Party Opera

    He wasn’t the first European to discover America, but he WAS the first one who made Europe aware that it was here, so it DOES constitute the European discovery of America. What Lief Erikson did had almost no effect. What Columbus did changed the world, and was one of the most important events in history. Good or bad, that’s a fact.

    I get tired of people “informing” others every year that Columbus wasn’t the first one here. Everybody knows that. Nobody ever claimed that nobody else was here when Columbus landed, including Columbus. “Discovery” is subjective, by definition. If I say, “I discovered this wonderful cafe on Main Street” I’m not claiming to be the first one there. It’s COLUMBUS’S discovery of America, and EUROPE’S discovery of America. And it changed EVERYTHING.

  2. over 5 years ago on Matt Bors

    No, that kid was being a real jerk. But why is HE the villain of the piece and not the ADULT ANTI-SEMITES who spent a half an hour yelling insults like “f@gg@t” at high school kids? Why is nobody trying to learn THEIR identities and calling their employers? Why is ALL the condemnation aimed at a high school kid who smirked?

  3. over 5 years ago on Nick Anderson

    You know, I saw the WHOLE film. Watch it. This was preceded by Black Israelites – ADULTS who are RAVING anti-Semites – yelling insults, racial slurs, and “f@gg*ts” at high school students.

    Not ONE WORD of condemnation for that. Instead, the villain of the piece is a high school kid who grinned. He doesn’t even speak.

    He may be a jerk and I hate his stupid hat, but this was preceded by open, prolonged, LOUD bigotry, and it’s hard to find a word about it, while this is viral.