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  1. over 5 years ago on Lisa Benson

    PRESIDENT TRUMP: "And I’ll tell you what, I am proud to shut down the government for border security, Chuck, because the people of this country don’t want criminals and people that have lots of problems, and drugs pouring into our country.

    So I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down. I’m not going to blame you for it. The last time you shut it down it didn’t work. I will take the mantle of shutting down, and I’m going to shut it down for border security."

    There you have it, Rag: the president accepted the mantle of standing firm against the party of open borders to ensure the safety and well-being of Americans.

  2. over 5 years ago on Steve Benson

    Bent-son is still out of ideas. He keeps pushing this discredited and debunked notion that President Trump is somehow allied with Putin, when it is actually Bent-son’s messiah Obama who had “more flexibility” to give Putin the Crimea and half of the Ukraine, and it was his Queen Hillary who colluded with Russians to concoct the “Steele Dossier” used by Obama to illegally obtain FISA warrants to spy on the opposition campaign.

    Obama makes Nixon look like a piker.