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  1. about 3 years ago on Michael Ramirez

    Republicans just lie constantly. The department of education is adding “Additional course pathways will include engaging semester courses in statistics, data science, modeling, design, and logic” as well as keeping calculus and the original courses. But somehow that translates to them into eliminating math.

  2. about 3 years ago on Michael Ramirez


  3. about 3 years ago on Michael Ramirez

    Most of the people who are on the “scandal” pictures in this comics, Foekje Dillema, Zdeněk Koubek, and Mark Weston are the only ones I can identify, are intersex individuals assigned female at birth who were discriminated against. Under the Equality Act two would be required to compete with men as they are transmen and the third who was born with ovotestes and raised her whole life as a woman would be required to take testosterone blockers or remove her ovotestes which she later did for health reasons to compete with women. These rare cases are why the Equality Act is necessary to protect rare cases of intersex as well as help codify WHERE transgender and intersex individuals should compete rather than IF they should compete. It will not let men, transmen or transwomen necessarily compete in women’s sports. Anyone who can’t understand these laws is either ignorant of how the constitution works or intentionally being shitty to trans and intersex individuals.

  4. about 3 years ago on Michael Ramirez

    Most of the people who are on the “scandal” pictures in this comics, Foekje Dillema, Zdeněk Koubek, and Mark Weston are the only ones I can identify, are intersex individuals assigned female at birth who were discriminated against. Under the Equality Act two would be required to compete with men as they are transmen and the third who was born with ovotestes and raised her whole life as a woman would be required to take testosterone blockers or remove her ovotestes which she later did for health reasons to compete with women. These rare cases are why the Equality Act is necessary to protect rare cases of intersex as well as help codify WHERE transgender and intersex individuals should compete rather than IF they should compete. It will not let men, transmen or transwomen necessarily compete in women’s sports. Anyone who can’t understand these laws is either ignorant of how the constitution works or intentionally being shitty to trans and intersex individuals.

  5. over 3 years ago on Ted Rall

    I would re-examine your assumptions. TDAP is how most people get the polio vaccine and it works against diphtheria and tetnas which dropped a huge amount. Hepatits B has decreased by a huge amount since vaccination. HPV is a long term preventative since it prevents cancer not a disease but its projected to almost eliminate cervical cancer. Chicken pox vaccine is so effective that cases are almost non-existent. Meningococcal has reduced infant deaths mainl. and of course smallpox has been eliminated. All vaccines cause symptoms that are a milder version of the disease they are preventing. That is the whole point. Your body develops memory B cells that produce antibodies to the most harmful viral proteins, fever and inflammation is your immune cells developing antibodies. If you made a vaccine that had no side effects in anyone it by definition would not work.

  6. almost 4 years ago on Mike Lester

    The police have been shooting at reporters, slashing car tires and arresting reporters. They are the criminals. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/louisville-police-shoot-reporter-with-pepper-bullets-during-protest-on-live-tv/

  7. almost 4 years ago on Tom Stiglich

    If we only caught 1% of voter fraud and we caught 1285 cases in one year (not 20 like the heritage foundation listed) and we used the lowest voter turnout for presidential election in the last 20 years 209,787,000 that would represent a rate of voter fraud of 0.06% which is far less than a count error which is about 1% (votes don’t have rounding errors). Meanwhile about 1/3 of eligible voters don’t vote. I think we should focus on getting 100 million people to vote rather than a fraction of a percent of people who voted wrong.

  8. about 5 years ago on Tom Stiglich

    Yes it is racism when you don’t hire some one because they are black. If you truly hire the best people you should have a variety of different backgrounds, that’s why non-racist work environments tend to be more diverse. Yes it is racism when you trot out the one black person in your department to “prove” you aren’t racist. Simply being around people of a different race doesn’t inoculate you against racism.

  9. about 5 years ago on Tom Stiglich

    Yes it is racism when you don’t hire some one because they are black. If you truly hire the best people you should have a variety of different backgrounds, that’s why non-racist work environments tend to be more diverse. Yes it is racism when you trot out the one black person in your department to “prove” you aren’t racist. Simply being around people of a different race doesn’t inoculate you against racism.

  10. over 5 years ago on Chip Bok

    Black Israelite’s, the group, that they were in opposition too, are anti abortion and anti birth control. They boys didn’t say or do anything prolife, they also shouted “Sluts” and girls in another video posted online. Like many “prolife” fakers out there they were doing nothing but being weird and kinda jerks.