
RichardAHill Free

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  1. over 6 years ago on Baldo

    Ahh .. the return of the empty headed emptypockets. Here’s a hint – use your big head and not your little head and your pockets won’t be empty and neither will your head.Always a rightwing cracker around

  2. over 6 years ago on Baldo

    Can someone, anyone, PLEASE remove these conservative-fascists from membership? The degree of cruelty, lack of sympathy and just general heartlessness ruins the rest of this page.Dump them to Iran – They want strict borders- give it to them.We’re all descended from illegal immigrants to this country. Get over yourselves or get out!..Baldo is spot on and the occasional forarys into current political mire is welcome as hell.

  3. over 6 years ago on Baldo

    Can someone, anyone, PLEASE remove these conservative-fascists from membership? The degree of cruelty, lack of sympathy and just general heartlessness ruins the rest of this page.Dump them to Iran – They want strict borders- give it to them.We’re all descended from illegal immigrants to this country. Get over yourselves or get out!..Baldo is spot on and the occasional forarys into current political mire is welcome as hell.