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floria.galler Premium

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  1. 6 months ago on Mike Luckovich

    In a civilization, attempts are made to protect the population and democracy from excessive dangers and fears. Too little attention is paid to the unborn child, it is given too little protection.We know from prenatal psychology about the trauma of birth and the significance of birth trauma for life as a whole. Since everyone is affected by birth a trauma, so to speak, because it is normal, people think it is not significant. The opposite is the case: since everyone is traumatized, everyone fends off the same (birth) trauma by acting it out.

    By acting out the same traumas en masse, our alter egos, in which our traumas are stored, can join forces and unfurl the flag of war or cheer for Trump.

  2. over 2 years ago on Jeff Danziger

    The answer on OldCoal’s question of the nature of the “gap” or thge abysds may be hidden in B8671’s comment: Maybe THE UNITED STATES WILL BE LUCKY… AND… DISAPPEAR. The Republican identifies openly with our destructive unconsious wishes. Sinema, while also working in this direction, is nevertheless less openly identified with these unconscious wishes as the Republican. Florian, psychohisty.ch

  3. over 3 years ago on Clay Jones

    Does anybody understand the meaning of the man with armor? (Dark Vader?)r And what could the object between Carano and the armor man be, a craddle with a green. bloodsucking baby-bat?