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gjrockhound2000 Free

Recent Comments

  1. 8 months ago on Real Life Adventures

    My dad used to smoke carp. It was really good smoked fish, but carp has a lot of bones.

  2. 8 months ago on Real Life Adventures

    When the boys were still living with us, I would have loved a double oven. Could have used it more times than I care to remember.

  3. over 1 year ago on For Better or For Worse

    We never made our 2 boys beg for a vehicle. As long as they asked permission and it was not needed by one of us, we let them have the keys.

  4. over 1 year ago on For Better or For Worse

    Kind of like band and orchestra directors, but they carry a stick! You do not want to hear the stick hitting the directors music stand when your playing. He is telling you to STOP!

  5. over 1 year ago on Aunty Acid

    Good advice for marriage.

  6. over 2 years ago on Moderately Confused

    Online puzzles are the way to go if you have cats. Jigidi.com is my favorite site.

  7. over 2 years ago on Pickles

    When your carpet is old enough to vote, it’s time to replace it!

  8. over 2 years ago on Ballard Street

    Looking at that picture, if it was in our kitchen he would be waiting forever. When the microwave oven door is open, ours will not operate.

  9. over 2 years ago on Pickles

    Oh my they drive a Studebaker!

  10. over 2 years ago on Real Life Adventures

    Consider yourself fortunate. It has not been that way for a lot of people in a lot of areas of our country.