Because in the summer time you could leave the lighter clothes out to bleach in the sun to remove stains. Does not apply since Clorox arrived.
No, it is just out of the frame.
Spicy squirrel!
You notice in the background of the first panel there is a small amount of brush. In the last panel it is gone.
My turkey was murdered days ago.
You have a point. But this was before running around in just your underwear, even clean well tailored underwear, was so common.
You may feel like your child is special and a nice person because you love them. But finding out that there are other people see them that way is confirmation that they actually are that way.
In Harrigan’s defense, Tarzan is running around the jungle in his underwear.
Said no one ever.
The grass is always greener in the other fella’s yard. No matter what your life may be you think your life is hard.
Because in the summer time you could leave the lighter clothes out to bleach in the sun to remove stains. Does not apply since Clorox arrived.