
franki_g Free

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  1. 5 days ago on Non Sequitur

    I’m in CA, have seen many homeless since I live near a creek – none have the physical appearance of someone born south of the border.

    Maybe b/c the people I know that come from those nations take care of each other. They’ll make room in their homes. Seems like we could learn a lot from THEM, and that THEY would be a neighbor preferable to you.

  2. 5 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    you need to put yourself in neuteral and relax

    Just spayin’

  3. 10 days ago on Steve Kelley

    Jesus weak! trump not pay taxes smart! threaten people mean strong!!

  4. 10 days ago on Steve Kelley

    No SCOTUS making rulings about “gratuities” when it’s D.

    Apparently, it is not only okay for Rs, the law gets changed to make it legal

  5. 10 days ago on Non Sequitur

    2A ’Murica

    Pedestrians are the new clay pigeons.

  6. 10 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Anger can be a motivator and is part of the Kubler Ross steps of grief which IME are needed to transition from ANY major change, upset or trauma in life.

    If one follows the Bible it says: “in your anger, do not sin”. It’s easier to sin when angry, but in itself is not sin. Or without human benefit.

  7. 10 days ago on Nick Anderson

    like Jesus? I strained my brain but the only thing I can find in common is they inhabit(ed) a male human body.

    Which is trump’s main focus – image is everything – and the thing Jesus sacrificed FOR OTHERS when he was less than half the age of the epitome of the Natural Man.

  8. 10 days ago on M2Bulls

    Comes with his own Veep candidate!

  9. 11 days ago on Bob Gorrell

    Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty, like a good Not-See

  10. 11 days ago on Bob Gorrell

    Never been D, was once R until they had a Tea Party.But I didn’t wonder why anyone would shoot him. More surprised it didn’t happen earlier.And my FIRST reaction was “it’s a set-up”Until I heard REAL people actually died and were SERIOUSLY wounded. Then I certainly hoped not,

    but with Mr. “I don’t care about you, I just want your votes”

    I also would not be surprised if my first reaction was indeed true.