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  1. almost 8 years ago on Chip Bok

    @Stipple “Gee, I coulda sworn BMI was founded and staffed by African Americans.”

    Hmmmmm, couldn’t be more wrong on the founding. First off, its BLM, not BMI unless you’re looking for your Body Mass Index. Secondly, BLM Founder Shaun King was born a white guy, despite his repeated attempts to be the male Rachel Dolezal. After finally being kicked out of BLM for fraud and embezzlement, he finally admitted that yes, his parents were both white, and that his birth certificate indeed states that he is white. So sorry there @Stipple, BLM, founded by a white guy. http://www.breitbart.com/tech/2015/12/13/black-lives-matter-leaders-just-excommunicated-shaun-king/http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3203522/Black-Live-Matter-organizer-Oprah-scholarship-recipient-claims-victim-hate-crime-revealed-white.html