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Recent Comments

  1. 1 day ago on Wallace the Brave

    What is that creature(?) in the upper left of panel 2?

  2. 2 days ago on Adam@Home

    I have the inherited buttons of at least 5 family members. It’s a pretty big collection now, and lives in a large clear plastic jug. I have made sure my daughter knows what it represents.

  3. 4 days ago on Wallace the Brave

    I love the flower in the pot on the railing turning to follow the sun and closing when it gets dark. Wonderful! Thank you Mr. Henry…Lovely strip.

  4. 4 days ago on Thatababy

    I really enjoy knowing the origins of common phrases. I spend time looking them up if I don’t know. Honest.

  5. 6 days ago on Thatababy

    When did a recording become a “cover”? It took an astonishing amount of time for me to figure out what it meant. (Yes, I’m an old fart.)

  6. 6 days ago on Off the Mark

    Hooray for the grammar police! And the apostrophe police, too.

  7. 7 days ago on Wallace the Brave

    Go Sterling! Go! Go! (Gotta love this strip.)

  8. 8 days ago on For Better or For Worse

    That is the common hope….no one knows for sure.

  9. 8 days ago on The Argyle Sweater

    Coccyk (bone) is the remnant of a tail which was slowly shortened through evolution as the tail became unnecessary as early humanoids became upright.

  10. 9 days ago on Rubes
