Caledonian railway engine

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Recent Comments

  1. 2 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Here comes an appearance on “World’s Dumbest Criminals” in 3…2…1…

  2. 4 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Or what mothers do to their daughters when their ears don’t get pierced right.

    True story: When my sister turned 13, Mom took her to get her ears pierced. Apparently they didn’t do it right, so my mom and sister were in the waiting room to have it redone. My dad called my mom, and she told him, “I’m in the waiting room with our daughter to have her fixed.” My sister wanted to crawl under the chair and die from embarrassment, and other people who overheard what my mom said laughed too. Mom regretted her choice of words. And to this day my sister, who will turn 35 in December, actively tries to forget that that moment ever happened.

  3. 10 days ago on Garfield

    Dang, those are the angriest-looking angry eyes I’ve seen from Garfield in like, forever!

  4. 12 days ago on Garfield

    Oh, like YOU have any room to criticize anyone for being crude, Garfield!

  5. 18 days ago on Garfield

    He needs a sign with the DNE symbol. ⛔️

  6. 20 days ago on Garfield

    I’d take him over the doddering old fool currently occupying the White House.

  7. 20 days ago on Garfield

    What we need is more Garfield as the Caped Avenger. We haven’t seen that since – I dunno – forever…?

  8. 24 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Where’s Guard Duck? Wasn’t he taking care of package thieves just last week?

  9. 28 days ago on Garfield

    There have been past strips where she has lost her temper and unleashed her claws on him, so he should know better.

  10. 28 days ago on Garfield

    “And that’s when I shredded him, Your Honor.”