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Snoots Free

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  1. about 14 hours ago on Ink Pen

    According to different storylines, there is indeed such a tailor who specializes in making super hero costumes (The Incredibles). Spider-Man made his own costume, as did the Fantastic Four. Superman’s mom made his costume from the blankets that were in the capsule. Some costumes come with the territory (Shazam). Etc etc.

    What I never really could figure out was how Spider-Man managed to “wall crawl” while wearing gloves and shoes… and how the material stood up to such wear and tear. I have long suspected it’s because it’s a comic book… ;D

  2. about 14 hours ago on Speed Bump

    You are correct on all counts… almost. Yes, Israel had no professional executioners (that we know of)… but they did have swords and a large number of soldiers and there are accounts of people being executed even in the King’s throne room, before the King and all on-lookers. (That would make a point.)

    Stoning was primarily for the reasons you mentioned: The crowds who judged a criminal actually had to take part in and witness the execution. Stoning wasn’t instant death; it gave the criminal time to think about why they were dying and was just retribution for really terrible crimes. It was actually a rather painful and slow way to die. Anyone who witnessed it would be very hesitant to put themselves in that position.

    Many people have questioned the concept of stoning, but it was effective. There is also at least one recorded instance of someone who survived stoning… which allowed for divine mercy and protection.

    Stoning was probably one of the less “humane” methods of execution… but it did make the point.

    As for why anyone made any of the comments above… refer to the original comic. Should be obvious.

  3. about 14 hours ago on F Minus

    I’ve gotten to the point I just ignore the “reviews” on IMDB, because it’s primarily a bunch of egotistic haters who wouldn’t know a good movie if it bit them in the hind quarters.

    I especially snort at the reviews that say, “The book was better!” Better than what? They are comparing written media that took days to read and that sparked their imagination… with a 2-hour screen story… and they expect it to be identical? What goofballs.

    I will admit I enjoyed the Tolkien books better than the movies… but the movies were still really good. But the reality is this: if a book was well-written, it is almost always better than the movie (with very few exceptions). The human brain is the world’s most advanced computer. You can’t beat imagination when it comes to CGI. ;D

    And interestingly enough, when I’m done reading a book I feel like I’ve actually increased my mental capacity rather than vegetating for hours watching pixels on a screen.

  4. about 15 hours ago on Speed Bump

    Actually, the guillotine was a very humane manner of execution. It was intended primarily to terrify the spectators so that they would follow the laws of the King or Queen— however rotten they were. But the guillotine took the “Oops! Missed!” factor out of head chopping, it was very quick, and relatively clean since the head dropped into a basket and most of the blood drained into a collection area under the guillotine.

    Sorry… that was a bit graphic…

    But I’d say it was more humane and painless than the electric chair, hanging, stoning, gas, or lethal injection, as the person went unconscious before the brain could consciously process any pain.

    (The old wives tale that the brain was still functional up to 10 seconds after the job, fails to take into account known medical reality of what happens in the brain the moment blood pressure severely drops.)

    — Far more than you wanted to know about be-headings while eating breakfast or lunch. ;D

  5. about 15 hours ago on Dark Side of the Horse

    I dunno why he’s so terrified; he’ll just drop down to the next floor. You’d think he’d learn to take the stairs. :D

  6. about 15 hours ago on Strange Brew


  7. about 15 hours ago on B.C.

    I guess you can just walk into Mordor.

  8. 1 day ago on Bloom County

    “The only people dumber than politicians are those who debate about them.” ;D

  9. 1 day ago on Speed Bump

    This strip is just ewwwww in so many ways… ;D

  10. 1 day ago on Brewster Rockit

    Our local bar group just rented a helicopter and each brought a keg. We didn’t use the kegs to put out the fire. We drank them first…