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Snoots Free

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  1. 1 day ago on Ink Pen

    Yeah, the dread moment of mind-reading acts is when they get that one participant who has nothing to read…

    But then again, all that Cap has to do is hit the villain in the cerebellum. It’s not like he’s wearing a helmet.

  2. 1 day ago on F Minus

    I remember the original boxed edition 3-booklet set of Dungeons and Dragons. Impossible to understand unless someone taught you the game… then ya realized that book set was basically a bunch of charts with no game guidelines. Fortunately later hardcover volumes corrected that problem to an extent.

    Then all you had to do was try to remember where in those multitudinous pages the game charts were and exactly how they worked… and prayed your team members don’t do something extremely stupid that gets the whole party killed.

    That’s why I play basically dice games and solitaire card games these days. So much easier and relaxing and less nerve-wracking…;D

  3. 1 day ago on Speed Bump

    I am one of those extremely rare individuals who enjoyed both the books and the movies (I don’t care what anyone says, LOTR was FOUR books, including The Hobbit. So there. nya nya). ;D

    The books were fascinating. I couldn’t put them down. But at the same time, I will never forget the scene of Elrond taking out the Mastondon “angry freight train” (as my sister calls it), nor Gandalf’s “You shall not pass!” as he faces down the Balrog.

    Books… movies… they both entertain and leave lasting memories.

  4. 1 day ago on Brewster Rockit

    The remainder of this particular comic meme will continue sometime in the future when he gets around to it. In the meantime, back to elevator jokes. :D

  5. 1 day ago on Phoebe and Her Unicorn

    It’s a very ancient rule actually:

    “Where there is no law, there is no sin.” That doesn’t mean there isn’t evil though. It just means that people who don’t intend to do bad can’t break a law where there is none.

    As far as time paradoxes… Einstein proved that time is a physical property. There is the school of thought that no matter how much you try to change the past, it won’t change and there won’t be any paradoxes… because obviously when you tried (in the past) it didn’t work, and so there you are. In some stories the reason it didn’t work is because the time traveler died in the effort, so not exactly a wise endeavor.

    Then there’s always the “Let’s kill Hitler” paradox… where someone went back and killed Hitler when he was a baby… and as a result someone / something far worse came along.

    Then there are those who would weaponize time travel such as in the Doctor Who Time Lord / Dalek war… which caused such problems and destruction and disruption of the universe that even the Time Lords were considered “bad guys”. Sometimes there is no “winner” to such things.

    Messing with time is always a very, very bad idea. I learned this from my future self.

  6. 5 days ago on Bloom County

    Every time an election year comes up and people get SOOOOO upset… I consider (and mentioned to my friend):

    People have been voting for how many decades? And look where we are.

    “Everyone who doesn’t have a clue about government, make the patriotic decision and stay home on voting day.” — Obvious Man

    People think their individual votes count, but the electoral college can instantly negate the vote of millions of people.

    You never know what the next clown who gets in office is going to do.

    In general, people are idiots. They prove this daily. How can they be expected to vote sanely for the leader of an entire country?

    People have told me that my refusal to vote affects the vote as much as any vote. That’s certainly correct… but not in the way they think. — Daniel 2:44

  7. 5 days ago on Brewster Rockit

    They left hell back on Earth.

  8. 5 days ago on Non Sequitur

    Because… Americans will believe anything.

  9. 5 days ago on Over the Hedge

    I agree with Scott… just an editing comment. Except that it’s typed so fancy, one wonders. That’s it! It’s just there to make readers wake up in da morning! :D

  10. 5 days ago on Dark Side of the Horse






    … and that’s just the tippy tip of the iceberg. Haven’t even got into “read” and “read”… ;D