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  1. over 8 years ago on Alley Oop

    I apologize for the personal attack that I made on you. __________________________

    Welcome back. I musta missed it . .. deleted or what not before i saw it .. .i’m usually pretty “mild”. Can’t remember what i coulda said to make u put on the “war paint” lol. Brucewayne was in there a lot complaining about ur ban .. . i wish u well !

  2. over 8 years ago on Alley Oop
    . . . so our very human tendency is to JUMP to a CONCLUSION

    I have given this some thought … about jumping to conclusions .. . there is merit in ur thoughts .. . .i think i was upset that today being April fools day the B’s missed great opportunity .. . imagine, if u will .. . in the background we see in the distance Superman & Batman slugging it out. . . . ahhhh . ..

  3. over 8 years ago on Alley Oop

    Look at the strip again. The guy says we’re all in here … . an army of 2 .. . . .Carole forgets what she writes. … .the B’s don’t care . .. u’d think they’d take more pride in their work . ..sloppy or tight … the pay is the same. . ..

  4. over 8 years ago on Alley Oop

    An army of 2 . .. so now Carole doesn’t care how stupid it is . . . ..i guess she forgot they put ALL the citizens of Moo into … ..ahhh who cares . ..

  5. over 8 years ago on Alley Oop

    welcome. Bruce posted almost daily on ur behalf. Tirade. .. . & for nun as well.

  6. over 8 years ago on Alley Oop

    Lobo. . . no wait . .. isn’t it more like 15 yrs old ?

  7. over 8 years ago on Alley Oop

    IF you would watch the DVD ___________________________

    Lobo, old friend . .. this DVD .. . . isn’t it like 11 yrs old ?

  8. over 8 years ago on Alley Oop

    Morning, Oopsters.

  9. over 8 years ago on Alley Oop
    warning included her on the second day of notices.

    huh ? where in the world are these notices?. . . .. in ur email ?

  10. over 8 years ago on Alley Oop

    Also said that she was third commenter at today’s Oop !_________________________________

    I don’t understand that comment .. .also .. . ..can u say what in gods name she said ??