Music   circle of fifths

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  1. 5 days ago on B.C.

    Bantams lay small eggs. New layer’s eggs are smaller than the same hen in a year or so. So they are labeled peewee or small to begin with. But no self-respecting Leghorn or Rhode Island Red would even dream of small eggs!

    [RBION said a Leghorn egg back in 1956 was 454 grams – that’s 16 oz aka one pound!!! But certainly not normal. In the US & Canada, Jumbo eggs are at least 70 grams (2.5 oz)]

  2. 5 days ago on B.C.

    Yep – swallowed whole, and now one is hatching!

  3. 5 days ago on Peanuts

    Yes: for some of us, IPA has been the International Phonetic Alphabet for so many years that it would be hard to come up with another possibility.

  4. 7 days ago on Andy Capp

    So what did they eat in England, Ireland, Scotland, before potatoes arrived? Sir Raleigh introduced them to Ireland in 1585, but it was awhile before they became common. And then 250 years later the potato blight killed them off. Yet people today think bubble & squeak (or further north, rumbledethumps) are ancient foods.

    I wonder what they had before they added the potatoes?

    And in the US, corned beef hash is commonly available in cans, but my mom also included diced cabbage – maybe from some recipe from her mom’s mom’s … mom.

  5. 10 days ago on Luann

    That last sentence was so sad – I remember when it was McDonalds (is that why you haven’t been there in so long?) or Hardee’s, or …

    So you won’t go to a resaurant because of politics, even though the workers there work there because they need to pay the bills, and have to find somewhere close enough to home so as to be able to walk, or to get a ride from another family member/friend who has to go further – etc.

    How many of them work there because of the former owners politics or religion? No, they work there to survive.

  6. 14 days ago on Dick Tracy

    Walker Tompkins also lived in Santa Barbara, CA, and set his ham radio stories there, but called it Santa Bonita, CA. McDonald & Grafton could’ve used that name, I would guess.

  7. 14 days ago on Wizard of Id

    Looks like he needs a bath, so sure, let him stay outside.

  8. 14 days ago on FoxTrot Classics

    Dihydrogen sulfate. Just add water (VERY gently) and you have sulfuric acid. Normally, the S04 makes it sulfate; SO3 would be sulfite; S – as in H2S – would make it sulfide. Technically H2SO4 is what I first called it, and H2SO4 . xH2O would be sulfuric acid. But if you ask a hundred chemists to write the formula for sulfuric acid, probably 95-100 will write H2SO4, even when we know the technical difference.

    In the same way, the only time I will call H2O dihydrogen monoxide, or Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) sodium hydrogen carbonate is in a joke, or in a classroom while teaching a beginning chemistry class, maybe once or twice a day for two or three days.

  9. 15 days ago on Ziggy

    But I won’t know how much I owe until the form is complete. And if the form is complete by Apr 15 I could turn it in then.

    And many is the time doing my taxes when it says to put in the amount from line x on form y. But on form y is starts with putting the amount from line z of form 1040. So I can’t get to line z of the 1040 because I don’t know what line x of form y – and I can’t fill form y because I don’t know yet what line z of the form 1040 is.

    And to think that when I was in college I did people’s taxes for them!

  10. 19 days ago on For Better or For Worse

    @howtheduck We don’t know when John realized what had likely happened to Farley, but fortunately he wasn’t stupid enough to say it in front of the others: that would be cruel.

    He handed off April – still awake – to Elly and tried to shoo them home to ensure April was fine.

    Elizabeth was old enough, and smart enough, to realize the significance of what she was seeing. So I would hope that in tomorrow’s strip he takes Farley to the vet without lying to Elizabeth, but leaving the possibility of a better outcome than he expects.