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  1. about 9 years ago on Clay Bennett

    Typical Liberal balderdash. Let’s take religion out of this altogether. Let’s look at this from the standpoint of natural law. Natural law is that understanding that the function/use of a thing is known by the way the thing is structured. Thus we know that a hammer is not made to polish glass. A lawn mower is not made to be a pool vacuum. A dog is not a bird. We identify “dog” by certain facts that are not true about birds — shape of body, lack of wings, inability to fly, does not eat insects, etc. +Let’s look at the human body now. It is made male and female. To what purpose serve the genitalia? Do they even have a primary purpose? Yes, they do. They purpose is the creation of life by the insertion of the male organ into the female and the depositing of seed within the female body. The male body is designed to do this and the female body is designed to receive from the male and nurture that life for nine months of gestation. +Note this carefully: this is the NORMAL and PROPER function of the male and female bodies. +However, in order for this to happen, the male and female must have a desire to unite with each other and to do that which results in pregnancy. This normal desire for relations with the opposite sex is part of the function of sexuality in human beings. Without this desire, males and females would ignore each other and the human race would soon be extinct. +In other words, natural law, the law of things performing according to the manner in which they are built and the function of their creation, shows us that human beings who are NORMAL ACCORDING TO NATURAL LAW, will desire each other and will therefore come together and fulfill the function built into their bodies. +Therefore, any deviance from this is a result of something being dreadfully messed up. It’s like a dog that keeps jumping off the deck and batting its front paws in the air trying to fly. Something is bad wrong and needs to be fixed. When a machine does not work according to the function that is built into its creation, we call in experts to examine the machine, find the problem, and correct it. +Transgenders are screwed up people who are not functioning according to their biological creation. There’s a wire loose somewhere and the machine of the human body is off-kilter. It needs to be fixed. That is what so-called “Conversion Therapy” is all about – fixing a broken human being that is not functioning according to the inbuilt design of his/her body. +Obama and his liberal buddies live in an Alice in Wonderland dream world where anything and everything goes and there is no such thing as truth or reality. Winding up with this clown as our president is surely God’s justice upon our nation for all the evils we have and continue to permit. +Remember: Those whom the gods would destroy they first make mad.