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  1. over 2 years ago on Michael Ramirez

    And there you have it, folks. How to tell if an election is valid: if the Republican wins the election was obviously stolen. But if the Democrat wins, the election was as pure as the driven snow, and anyone who challenges that should be thrown in jail.

    Consequently, President Biden, realizing the Dems are going to get hammered next November, has preemtively declared the 2022 elections to be illegitimate.

    So expect the MSM to parrot that for the next ten months. But it doesn’t matter, because the Dems are STILL going to get hammered.

    Good riddance to bad rubbish.

  2. over 2 years ago on Michael Ramirez

    You should try doing something new, like, oh, say, reading the Constitution. Had you done so, you’d know that Article 2 Section 1 Clause 2 clearly gives the power to determine how federal electors are chosen to the respective state legislatures. The Democrats’ HR-1 voting bill is an attempt to unconstitutionally usurp the states’ power to determine how voting in federal elections shall be done, and institute nationwide such horrible practices as universal mail-in voting and ballot harvesting.

    The bill is clearly unconstitutional, and just as obviously, the Democrats don’t care. To Democrats, the Constitution is something to beat Republicans over the head with when it suits their purposes, and otherwise to ignore.

    One thing you can take to the bank: Democrats will NEVER propose any kind of bill that does not benefit keeping Democrats in power. It has been said (and rightly, IMHO) that if illegal aliens crossing the southern border would largely vote Republican were they allowed to vote, there would be a triple-high and wide border wall manned with armed guards built within two months, and ICE would be mandated to immediately remove every illegal alien they could find.

  3. over 2 years ago on Bob Gorrell

    Hay, Havel, have you ever heard of Ibram Henry Rogers, who now goes by Ibram X. Kendi? CRT is not a ‘law school theory.’ It is pure racism wrapped in an anti-racist cloak. It is meant to divide rather than unite, and states that all whites are intrinsically racist and as such will always be racist, and can never change to become non-racist.

    Is that the kind of thing you want your children to be taught? That’s the point of Mr. Gorrell’s cartoon. CRT proponents believe that Dr. King was wrong, and that you can ONLY determine the content of someone’s character by looking at the color of their skin. That is the definition of racism, and all decent Americans should decry it.

  4. over 2 years ago on Bob Gorrell

    Comments like yours do nothing to solve any problems. They push us apart when we should be coming closer together. I feel sorry for you, because hate is your number one priority, and it seems to be more important to you than healing.

  5. over 2 years ago on Bob Gorrell

    You are incorrect, suzalee. CRT is being taught in a number of school districts, albeit under different names, down to the elementary school level. Google ‘Loudoun county school district’ if you don’t believe it.

  6. over 2 years ago on Bob Gorrell

    Right you are, mourdac. Skin color IS reflected in our laws. Ever heard of affirmative action? Do you believe it’s anti-racist to limit, for example, the number of Asian students who are admitted to certain colleges in order to enroll less-qualified blacks? Do you support that kind of racism?

    It sure is different when it’s your ox that is being gored, isn’t it?

  7. over 2 years ago on Bob Gorrell

    My next paycheck says that you have no idea what CRT is, but you think you do.

  8. over 2 years ago on Bob Gorrell

    No, Pony, it’s CRT’s core. You need to understand before you criticize, which you obviously don’t.

  9. over 2 years ago on Bob Gorrell

    You are a typical leftist. No offense, but you are. You don’t have any idea what you’re talking about, but you believe it to your deepest core.

    If you understood CRT even a little, you’d know that your comment (“. . . if you’re a racist white person, then critical race theory DOES attack your situation. But you know what? You can change that.”) contradicts CRT.

    CRT says that ALL white people are INHERENTLY racist, and that there’s nothing that any white person can do about that. According to CRT, all whites are, and will always be, racist oppressors. That’s the whole point of CRT, which is racism pretending it’s anti-racist.

    We’ve come so far in reaching for equality. Things like CRT are only pushing us apart. It is racist dogma with Marxism at its core. I only wish people like you really understood it, instead of knee-jerk supporting it because you think it’s something it isn’t. It’s a racist wolf in anti-racist sheep’s clothing, and it would have been abhorrent to Dr. King.

  10. over 2 years ago on Bob Gorrell

    You are a typical leftist, wanting to censor any ideas you don’t agree with. If you truly understood CRT, you’d realize that it is a racist ideology that, among other things, says that Dr. King was wrong, and that you can ONLY determine character by skin color. Mr. Gorrell’s cartoon is spot-on. That is EXACTLY what CRT teaches.

    Here’s an idea: why don’t you learn what you’re talking about before you condemn it?