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Recent Comments

  1. over 9 years ago on Mike Lester

    This cartoon is both funny and very very true. The actions of these murderers will indeed have the effect that a lot MORE people will see the cartoons that they got upset about than what would otherwise have been the case. A sort of poetic justice really.

  2. over 9 years ago on Dilbert Classics

    You do know that the nazis sent socialists, communists and even mere social-democrats straight into the death-camps, right?

    In short, the nazis were not actual socialists, even though they used the term “socialist” in their name mostly as crowd pleasing. Hitler and the other leading nazi ideologists hated socialism/communism since those ideoligies preach the total equality of all people, which is obvsiously NOT what the nazis believed. Nazism is ultimately all about the strong ruling over, or downright extreminating, the ones they percieve as weak.

    So no, the fact that Hitler and his state took partial control over a lot of industries and such is not enough to make the nazis count as actual socialists. A dictatorship can exist without socialism you know. Like take Pinochets Chile for instance, a prime example of a state with a capitalist economic system ruled by a dictator.