My favorite. When you pour a hearty amount in a paper plate and the oil seeps through the plate and the salt/vinegar threaten to raise tiny blisters on your lips it is heaven. Wash it all down with a high fructose corn syrup Coke.
I just finished off a whole 7 and 3/4 ounce bag. Did a quick calculation; Those chips are $4.28/pound on sale. Potatoes raw $0.38/pound. Those chips must have super fine oil, rare salt and premium vinegar flavor.
I could have bake a potato in the microwave (4 minutes) added some Kamebishi salt, Pedro Ximénez vinegar and a tablespoon of E-LA-WON oil. That might be about the equivalent cost…..
I’m dreaming….There is a second bag in the cupboard. Why not? I’ll just double up on the high blood pressure medicine….
Surströmming, with pumpkin spice….yum.