
Zeno2099 Free

An autistic anti-totalitarian democratic socialist, culturally moderately progressive, an outspoken nonconformist, and a dedicated vegetarian.

Recent Comments

  1. 15 days ago on Ted Rall

    Haha. :D

    I extremely strongly dislike both of the two main candidates, and dislike Kennedy as well, but like Cornell West. I dislike Trump the most though.

  2. 18 days ago on Ted Rall

    Pretty much, unless Michelle Obama gets over her unwillingness to save the country from Trump, and Biden accepts to step aside for her.

    And the end of Europe is also likely nigh without a miracle, given that Russia will invade it with China’s help if the ultranationalistic, xenophobic, bigoted, and religiously genocidally zealous Trumpublicans are in charge, as they have turned “always look out for number one, and let the rest of the world burn” into a personal mantra.

  3. 18 days ago on Ted Rall

    I really hate Genocide Joe as well, and the hopeless extremely undemocratic two-party election system in the U.S., but Trump is surrounded by even more genocidal bigots and zealots than Biden is, and strongly seems totalitarian as well, so given that the U.S. lacks anywhere near the democracy of most European countriea, in lack of better options I am really hoping that Biden will be replaced by Michelle Obama, given that she was the only Democrat who managed to overwhelmingly beat Trump by 50% to 39% in a reliable survey that I read, that she will beat Trump, put an end to the genocide in Palestine, and open the Democratic party for reform.

  4. 18 days ago on Ted Rall

    Everything about Trump is completely twisted. He is a scam artist, a hate-mongering xenophobic ultranationalistic demagogue, a very impulsive compulsive liar, a disloyal cheat, molester, and adulterer, a ridiculously narcissistic conscience- and empathy-deprived, absolutely greedy and power-mad totalitarian psychopath, and is corrupt, principle-deprived, amoral, irresponsible, immature, and bribable as hell.

    He is just a shallow collection of enormous character flaws, and for some reason (read: systematic brainwashing from media owned by extremely corrupt oligarchs, and shortsighted focus on personal benefits from tax cuts, without noticing that the United States has become indepted to the point of bankruptcy largely because of such policies) a lot of people still want to vote for him.

    Regardless, the point is that spelling Trump’s name in a strange manner is the by far least wrong thing about this walking pile of memetically infectious cancer.

  5. 27 days ago on Ted Rall

    I also appreciated your rant. Thank you.

  6. 27 days ago on Get Fuzzy

    I once saw a “Robot Chicken” joke video in which I think that a Zod doll was an aerobics instructor, who said “Kneel before Zod. Do squats before Zod…” and similar.

  7. 29 days ago on Ted Rall

    The moderators should have pointed out when Trump was flat-out lying though.

  8. 29 days ago on Ted Rall

    Also, as much as I despise the ridiculously narcissistic psychopath demagogue, Biden still managed to lose badly. He should have been replaced long ago.

  9. 29 days ago on Ted Rall

    Biden needs to be replaced by another candidate immediately. However, I fear that it will be the WEF guy, Gavin Newsom.

  10. about 1 month ago on Ted Rall

    Strongly agreed. Preferably Sanders, but Warren might also be an idea.