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  1. 12 days ago on Mike Luckovich

    No doubt Trump is loving it, and all he had to sacrifice was some blood from his ear.

  2. 12 days ago on Mike Luckovich

    I was wondering about that, too. When I watching the video footage of what had happened last Saturday, I was like, “WTF is that idiot doing?! He was just shot at! No sensible person would break out of Secret Service protection while under fire for a photo op! He has the survival acumen of a lemming!”

    The fist pumping Trump did while being escorted off the stage, especially with that US flag in the background of that photo, made the whole thing look like a publicity stunt except for the fact that at least two people died. Then again, he wasn’t hesitant to have other people killed in an attempt to steal an election while boosting his image, either.

  3. 15 days ago on Clay Jones

    So pro-life. /s

  4. 15 days ago on Jeff Danziger

    Happy belated birthday!

  5. 17 days ago on Robert Ariail

    “Some days, doing ‘the best we can’ may still fall short of what we would like to be able to do, but life isn’t perfect – on any front – and doing what we can with what we have is the most we should expect of ourselves or anyone else.”

    — Mister Rogers

  6. 17 days ago on Robert Ariail

    Too many Democrats: “We need Biden to drop out of the campaign and replace him someone with similar qualifications but younger.”

    Other Democrats: “Okay, then. So who do you have in mind to replace him with less than four months until the election?”

    Too many Democrats: “We don’t know yet. We were hoping to wait until the convention next month.”

    Other Democrats: “That would give us less than three months to campaign and if it’s not Kamala Harris, then we’d have to start the fundraising all over again in very little time. In the meantime, Biden needs to stay in.”

    It’s like quitting a current job before applying for a new job. Where will the support come from in the meantime?

  7. 18 days ago on Clay Jones

    Unfortunately, Snopes rated that claim from Occupy Democrats as False because they could not find any evidence and Occupy Democrats eventually took that post down.

  8. 20 days ago on Clay Bennett

    While the right wing only sees victims in the mirror.

    I made no determinations for anyone, only suggestions.

  9. 20 days ago on Clay Bennett

    Or maybe rather than looking into more evidence with more attention with their given capabilities, it’s more convenient to paint oneself as a victim.

  10. 20 days ago on Clay Bennett

    “Expensive”, not “expense”. Darn autocorrect.