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  1. almost 13 years ago on Tom Toles

    @towerwarlock – Obama’s great mistake was believing that he could compromise with the Republicans. Obamacare was what happens when you compromise too much.@tigger – I doubt we’ll see a deal. the only compromise the Republicans want is their way.

  2. about 13 years ago on Bob Gorrell

    @AuH2O – Every person running for president places blame (or credit) for the budget on their predecessor. Presidents submit the budget.When, in 20 years of Republican presidents since 1980, did a Republican president ever present a balanced budget. Wasn’t it Reagan and (baby) Bush (authors of borrow and spend) who gave us the ludicrous tax cuts that have been so destructive to our budget and economy?I willingly fault spineless congressmen of both parties who participated in the senseless tax cuts, but blame lies at the feet of the presidents who propsed them.