Or the talking dog comic for people with a sense of humor.
He’s like Bartleby: “I prefer not to.”
He ought to throw in a ref like Bohemia or Queen or Mercury or some kind of clue like that.
I can figure that. Having tight shoes will make your big feet look smaller. And conversely for bras.
The first ten times I saw that joke, I laughed until I cried.
The noise, though? I’m betting it’s Spud.
Tom doesn’t use ‘lede’ because he thinks we’re too stupid to know that spelling, and would think HE got it wrong! Well, we can’t risk that!
Sterling was never a baby. He was “an infant.”
The cats? They’re showing the burglar where the silver is.
Crankshaft is molesting your kid until he gets out of detention.
Or the talking dog comic for people with a sense of humor.