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  1. over 7 years ago on Tom Toles

    But most of the press doesn’t bring Trump’s flip flopping up very often. If it were Hillary doing this each outlet would have a gang of reporters on each flip flop full time with daily headlines. Once again, Trump gets a pass.

  2. about 8 years ago on Tom Toles

    If Senator Sanders were to win the general election, which is very doubtful given the barrage of anti socialist dung that would be slung his way, he would not bring in a new senate or house. To think that would happen is a foolish fantasy. So his promises would be denied by the same folks that stymied President Obama. And when the midterm elections came along the young and passionate voters that are showing up now will be nowhere to be found. They will sit back and whine about broken promises same as always. If you want things to change you have to show up for every election just like the right wing of this country does.

  3. over 9 years ago on Signe Wilkinson

    People seem to think that renewable energy tech will not continue to progress as every other technology has. That’s silly.