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  1. about 11 years ago on Jeff Stahler

    Mr. Stalker, your apology seems less appropriately directed at Peanuts, and more appropriately directed at our children. It is a sad situation. Religious zealots founded our nation, and yet do not properly address this idealistic issue of “rights” in order to bring resolve to a moral issue of safety.

  2. over 11 years ago on Paul Szep

    It seems that Mr. Szep is suggesting that the 2nd amendment was written in the 18th century when “arming” oneself was completely different in scope and magnitude, and that now that times have changed, it is time to modify the 2nd amendment to reflect current “arms”.

  3. over 11 years ago on Rob Rogers

    Labeling someone as a socialist or Kenyan or repeatedly asking the annoying question of “where’s your birth certificate”, while immature, is not lewd. “Godless Muslim”, on the other hand, is completely offensive and a shameful (albeit an oxymoron) expression.