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  1. over 6 years ago on Tank McNamara

    Russell had Jones & Jones & Cousy & …; who did Chamberlain have? His 50 PPG average was facing a lot of double-team.Even Alcindor didn’t get a title until he had the Big O.

  2. over 7 years ago on Back to B.C.

    He should have said, “I’ll have to go find a Fat Creep to kiss.”

  3. over 7 years ago on Tank McNamara

    @Brewingbiker and the rest of you:if this nation were as racist as the agitators say, why are so many people trying to get in here, one way or another?And if the cops were as racist as the agitators say, why would they care about black-on-black crime (like West Baltimore)?

    The Alameda County Sheriff (Oakland, CA) has challenged the self-righteous Kaepernick to come find out what it’s like to be a policeman. Not surprisingly, the coward Kap has avoided that invitation.

    The really ridiculous one is that US soccer player who stood for the Thai national anthem but knelt during the US anthem. Obviously, she is ignorant about how Thailand treats homosexuals — and insulting the rulers. As usual, liberalism requires hypocrisy.

    And don’t get me started about the stupidity of “3/5 no more.”

  4. over 11 years ago on Tank McNamara

    At least Mitt won’t be boasting how he could beat the jocks (or you) at one-on-one…

  5. over 11 years ago on Tank McNamara

    CalTech used to play junior colleges… I have no idea why they are in NCAA… maybe for the chance to hack NCAA’s computers. Maybe Millar & Hinds have a surprise here for the snobs.

  6. over 11 years ago on Tank McNamara

    CalTech has great insititutional control — make the classes so hard that students don’t just drop the class — they leave school and go elsewhere.

  7. over 11 years ago on Tank McNamara

    What’s a school like CalTech doing with a bunch like the NCAA? When my brother was there, they had lost so many football games in a row, they forgot how to start a bonfire. (Or so the campus paper said when they finally won one after four years. :-) They are better off making fun of the NCAA at the Rose Bowl.

  8. over 11 years ago on Tank McNamara

    Poor guy (and Millar & Hinds) doesn’t know that TiVo now has a four funer system (XL4).