Not the GP. This guy has more hair and by the way, who takes their spouse to the foot doctor or almost any kind of personal errand? Don’t understand what that means. Very convoluted.
Still no cops? Are we sure this isn’t Portland or Seattle? Maybe San Francisco except they’re wearing clothes,
What would be funny is that the police show up and they’re the Keystone Cops. Not entirely unbelievable considering everything to this point.
I’m beginning to think there are no police in this forlorn little burg.
sounds like a big plate of pancakes is coming up
Still no police? Maybe they don’t like those books either
where are the police?
land shark
candy gram
Wait! What! They took all their pets to visit gramma???
Not the GP. This guy has more hair and by the way, who takes their spouse to the foot doctor or almost any kind of personal errand? Don’t understand what that means. Very convoluted.