My sister played piano by ear while I fiddled with my navel.
Oh my god! That just brought back some fun memories.
It’s not about the kids.
All over again.
or at least get the Reader’s Digest version.
I like Elaine’s version better…
Yes. Mr. Lippman. It was his mistress who insisted he called it “War and Peace.”
“War—What Is It Good For.”
Absolutely nothin’!
That’s the song that they got from Tolstoy.
Beat me to it. See below.
This is System Planet 6! System Planet 7 exploded 6 months after we were left here. The shock shifted the orbit of this planet and everything was laid waste. Spaceman Spiff never bothered to check on our progress.
With apologies to Khan Noonien Singh
Must be a North Korean cat, with all those medals.
Just walk away, Garée
You won’t see me follow you back home
The empty sidewalks on my block are not the same
You’re not to blame
My sister played piano by ear while I fiddled with my navel.