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- over 7 years ago on For Better or For Worse
over 7 years ago
on For Better or For Worse
divorce is better than staying together when there is nothing but hatred and dislike for one another. growing away from you partner means learning how to let go, if that is the correct behavior.
My parents were married almost 50 years and they hated each other with a passion, lol. some marriage the people grow away from each other.
the ability to divorce would and is a very important aspect of growing. growing up and moving on can be the “right” thing to do
America in the 50’s was a time of illusionary prosperity in America, unless you were a white male. most everyone else was screwed/stuck in a system that didn’t allow for change from the “approved” behaviors. thank goodness we aren’t there again. or are we?
almost 8 years ago
on Non Sequitur
America at its’ finest.The Weimar Republic never had anything compared to America!!! Go Team Go!!
almost 8 years ago
on Calvin and Hobbes
lol St. Reagan vs Trump. my my how well did St. Reagan screw us over? Nothing Trump could do will ever begin to compare. St. Reagan made it possible for Trump to do his “you’re fired!” BS.
Trump is merely the end result of St. Reagan’s “Morning in America” PR campaign. America bought St. Reagan and Trump is here to fulfill the Con.
almost 8 years ago
on Calvin and Hobbes
St. Reagan/Bonzo, lol, and people are upset about the Trump???
too late. St. Reagan makes Donald look like an Einstein
almost 8 years ago
on Non Sequitur
oh there’s been growth, all right. the Rich have done very well. the rest of us, not so much, but then again, the little people don’t count for much anymore. Post Citizens United, we can’t buy Congress like the Rich have.
and the Profits have been YUUUGE!
almost 8 years ago
on Non Sequitur
it’s a little late now to care about whether the latest version of St. Reagan’s Trickle Down Neoliberal Austerity screws the American people.
way too late and you have inherited the wind from voting all these years before for the same creatures that created Trump’s election.
way, way too late
almost 8 years ago
on Non Sequitur
right, live healthy, die anyway. be a health corpse!
almost 8 years ago
on Non Sequitur
sounds so much like both the D’s and R;s
almost 8 years ago
on Non Sequitur
so “allegedly” killed is not dead?
a straight white male at that!