The alternative is to wait until she’s looking the other way and then just dissappear.
Doesn’t tea eventually get stale?
As long as Fritzi’s in the room, the tea steeps. If she leaves, (assuming she closes the door) the steeping stops.
“Give me a piece of string long enough and a door to close and I can brew the perfect cup of tea.” – Nancy
Sounds good to me.
This is a foul up on the order of Kirk not telling Starfleet that he left a would-be world conquerer and a batch of genetic Augments on Ceti Alpha V.
Then I am, too.
Say no more
How sinister.
I don’t mind, but Vulcan children used it as a slur against young Spock in the Star Trek: The Animated Series episode, “Yesteryear,” because of his half-human heritage. Some Vulcans can wrap their racism with logic.
The alternative is to wait until she’s looking the other way and then just dissappear.