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  1. about 12 years ago on Michael Ramirez

    Lifebyc, you show an obvious lack of reason with your comment of 10% and like most liberals, shift the debate by attacking one’s credibility as inferior to your almighty “OPINION”.

    I merely used (10%) as a foundation (FAIR FOUNDATION) for ALL to pay their FAIR share but in reality you’ve raised a different point in that we spend so much that 10W% would never be enough. I agree that no amount or percentage would EVER be enough with the liberal spending we’ve done for so many years under a plan or system created by Dimocrats.

    OK…let’s say 50%. Everyone should pay 50% toward their [fair share]. If you’re like many lil’ Libbie losers such as the ones we see at the “occupy” movements, you make nothing….you pay nothing in taxes. SIMPLE (unless you are so simple minded that this concept of true FAIR SHARE eludes your mental capacity for reasoning).

    In closing, it is liberals who take things to an extreme to the point of being ridiculous and you can’t even see how extreme and ridiculously foreign you are to the foundation of true fairness or the greatness that founded this REPUBLIC.

  2. about 12 years ago on Michael Ramirez

    Lifebyc, you show an obvious lack of reason with your comment of 10% and like most liberals, shift the debate by attacking one’s credibility as inferior to your almighty “OPINION”.

    I merely used (10%) as a foundation (FAIR FOUNDATION) for ALL to pay their FAIR share but in reality you’ve raised a different point in that we spend so much that 10W% would never be enough. I agree that no amount or percentage would EVER be enough with the liberal spending we’ve done for so many years under a plan or system created by Dimocrats.

    OK…let’s say 50%. Everyone should pay 50% toward their [fair share]. If you’re like many lil’ Libbie losers such as the ones we see at the “occupy” movements, you make nothing….you pay nothing in taxes. SIMPLE (unless you are so simple minded that this concept of true FAIR SHARE eludes your mental capacity for reasoning).

    In closing, it is liberals who take things to an extreme to the point of being ridiculous and you can’t even see how extreme and ridiculously foreign you are to the foundation of true fairness or the greatness that founded this REPUBLIC.

  3. about 12 years ago on Michael Ramirez

    Apparently, “THEY” all have blinders on and this is exactly how one repeats history…a FAILED history.

  4. about 12 years ago on Michael Ramirez

    This clown is blind and the cartoon depicts the Jack@$$ that B.O. is!!! GREAT JOB….as usual, Mr. Ramirez!!!!

    “Who is the bigger fool….the FOOL or those who voted for the fool?!”

  5. about 12 years ago on Michael Ramirez

    Great Job! As usual, Mr. Ramirez!!!!Could just as easily and simply read “AMERICA” instead of Aging America.

    Of course the roles could be switched with the skinny person being the hard working American and the BIG FAT character could have been labeled “Obama Administration”. That fraud has certainly slowed and prevented growth at every avenue while fattening the gov and overburdening all those who work and actually pay taxes.

    If it were switched as I have suggested, Mike could have the fat B.O. administration pleading for a “hand”, the little man (American People) eating cake with the net below reading 2012 Election!!!! That would depict the FALL of B.O. to a ’T".

    It’ll be nice to see some true leadership that sees the “fairness” in EVERYONE paying 10% tax…EVERYONE!

    STOP FAT GOV….Stop the SPENDING!!!!

  6. about 12 years ago on Michael Ramirez

    The kid didn’t deserve to lose his life but neither did the WHITE Hispanic. What the media fails to mention is that the kid was not the perfect child and had recently had some “run ins” with authority. What is disgusting is how our WHITE African/American pretender in chief. stepped into “- – it” (YET AGAIN).

  7. about 12 years ago on Michael Ramirez

    As usual…fantastic cartoon Mr. Ramirez!!! Keep on upsetting the left/WRONG minded!!! They can either learn from your wisdom or remain ignorant of facts or reality. I don’t care if they go away sad, mad or had….as long as they simply GO AWAY! Then…we’ll have the GREATNESS of the USA back!

  8. about 12 years ago on Michael Ramirez

    Good GRIEF, here we go with that % junk!!! Why doesn’t EVERYONE pay their “fair share” (say 10%). If you make a million…you pay 10%, if you make NOTHING…you pay 10% of nothing. IF you make an average of 40-50 K as most or, at least, many Americans families make right now, on average, they pay 10%. It isn’t a difficult concept to grasp unless you’re one of the 1% who are mentally challenged or too busy smokin’ dope within the occupy movement. HA!!!!

  9. about 12 years ago on Michael Ramirez

    Just one more comment on Mr. Ramirez’s cartoon…he could have entitled it: “When the $#!t hits the fan” cuz B.O. and the little “believers” are certainly full of IT. HA!!!

  10. about 12 years ago on Michael Ramirez

    B.O. (aka Berry Many Names) has probably profited from these GREEN “scams” just as much as his friends have most certainly profited from them. As usual…fantastic cartoon Mr. Ramirez!!! Keep on upsetting the left minded!!!