Ca411d48 e35e 4a21 b058 f79259484708

Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML Free

Big-o blues fan

Recent Comments

  1. over 1 year ago on Ballard Street

    Hy DRY…!!!!

  2. over 1 year ago on Ballard Street

    Hey dint there useda bee a BS Block anD Pooly Klub’ in town ???

  3. over 1 year ago on Ballard Street

    How Much Izat MunKey inda windo…?

  4. over 1 year ago on Ballard Street

    Yeppers..! BaK in BS..!! MiSSEDD Y’all..!!

  5. over 1 year ago on Ballard Street

    …bettr nowN as Teh TIKi..!!

  6. over 1 year ago on Ballard Street

    EssEpt fuR thoZe tHet Kant SpeL Write.. <3

  7. over 1 year ago on Ballard Street

    THay sHudnT be MunkeyIn round on tHet RUff..!! ThaY kneedA PERMIT..!! Jus sayin

  8. over 2 years ago on Ballard Street

    Ahm thinkin sKooter Laks his own zeRo SenSory DeprivAyshun pOOL… ekceptin he kin still hear MaviS…

  9. over 3 years ago on Ballard Street

    Squirrel.. hmmph, like cats.. don’t trust’em.. whutever you do, don’t show’em yer nuts..

  10. over 3 years ago on Ballard Street

    *sigh…It sure is nice to be back where one can quarantine in his own confines and freely practice any form of physical therapy with their clothes on, without a permit, except Ms Higglepooter. She definitely needs a permit. And that’s one of those daily permits, ($7.43/day) not one of them “one ‘n done” annual ones…