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profkatz Free

World Traveler/Photographer/Retired Educator Speaks English, Australian, some Spanish, Slang & Cuss Words

Recent Comments

  1. about 10 hours ago on Tarzan

    Double skewer comin’ right up folks, I am Tarzanacus and cannot be conquered! Stay tuned………

  2. 1 day ago on Tarzan

    These cheaply-made shields are useless, look for the manufacturer’s label “Made in China”! Next time buy “Made in America”, those shields will do their job!!

  3. 2 days ago on Tarzan

    Sword/Spear fight at Nemone’s corral……I hope she has some more fresh undies to change into…….sadistic beech.

  4. 3 days ago on Tarzan

    Gladiator free-for-all comin’ our way. No blood on the sand, of course and Nemone is already on her second set of Pampers! Where’s Valthor and the Tantor brigade…….

  5. 4 days ago on Tarzan

    Tarzanacus finally meets his Golden Lion friend who will defend him and protect him in future stories. Now what exactly is Nemone up to since she should have changed her soaked undies by now? Oh, the excitement…….!

  6. 5 days ago on Tarzan

    UMGOWA! Hopefully this sad tale of “Tarzan General Hospital” will conclude next Sunday. Kreegah, Bundolo…..kill Tarzan General Hospital!!

  7. 6 days ago on Tarzan

    Tarzanacus had best hurry if he wants to catch Nemone between changing her unmentionables!

  8. 7 days ago on Tarzan

    LMAO General! Nah, she prefers the black silk ones…..

  9. 7 days ago on Tarzan

    Tarzanacus will rise and kill the remaining lion, then hopefully turn his full attention to Queen Nemone who is about to change her unmentionables due to all of this “excitement”!

  10. 8 days ago on Tarzan

    No camaraderie amongst lions when it come to food so Tarzanacus will only have to kill an already wounded and tired lion when this cat fight is over.