Dogs 003


Recent Comments

  1. 1 minute ago on Ziggy

    When you gotta go, you gotta go.

  2. 30 minutes ago on Crankshaft

    Stupid place for an employee’s drink. She deserved what she got.

  3. 44 minutes ago on Rose is Rose

    There is a time and place for it. I especially use it when I need to listen and write at the same time. Also, when more than I need the hear the conversation.

  4. about 1 hour ago on Baby Blues

    Probably his next girlfriend

  5. about 1 hour ago on Non Sequitur

    Just like the suicide bombers and their mentors. They die while the mentor trains another

  6. about 1 hour ago on Get Fuzzy

    No, you didn’t. You had a choice. Typical demoncrat, always ready to spew the HATE. then gather like a pack of rabid wolves.

  7. about 1 hour ago on Get Fuzzy

    So tired of the HATE that spews from the left. Harris has only minute accomplishments. Read her agenda it will finish the job that Biden started, we will be truly bankrupt. Most things you claim Trump will do, Biden has already done, and Harris will take it one step further.

  8. about 1 hour ago on Non Sequitur

    Too bad that the ones not getting paid would-be congress. They cover their butts very well starting with healthcare and being able to vote themselves raises.

  9. about 24 hours ago on Non Sequitur

    All part of God’s plan

  10. about 24 hours ago on Non Sequitur

    Mary & Joseph, really! They had homes back in their own country. They are welcome if they do it the proper way