Olaf is a dog? A misfit? And ugly? Someone’s in for a tongue lashing when The Count sees this.
The Jesus I’m familiar with longed to see Venus via a long balloon ride.
Five Quatloos that Lu and Bern are untrainable and will have to be destroyed.
Could be many dozens, though I only know flax, relax, and parallax personally. Poor little lax didn’t even get a first name.
Yes, the biatch word. There is a follow up skit (on YouTube) from 2013 with Adam visiting Bob in the hospital which is almost as hilarious.
Reminds me of the scene from ‘Happy Gilmore’ when Bob Barker and Adam Sandler get into a fistfight on the golf course and Bob puts Adam down for the count.
My choice would be a black lab – no racism intended.
And I . . . that Argo cornstarch was powdered Argonauts.
Classic Zombies tune.
Paige should consider some intensive ECT therapy. Reminds me of the screaming tweenies that ruined every Beatles concert I never went to.
Olaf is a dog? A misfit? And ugly? Someone’s in for a tongue lashing when The Count sees this.