
PoodleGroomer Free

Recent Comments

  1. about 11 hours ago on Glasbergen Cartoons

    Fiends house. I passed it off to the plumber with the snake and camera after I recovered the basement with the submersible pump.

  2. about 16 hours ago on Home Free

    They’re defective and all have the points on the wrong end.

  3. about 18 hours ago on Wrong Hands

    Considered slavery a career.

  4. about 18 hours ago on Wondermark

    Start with pizza and work up to producing perfect children.

  5. about 18 hours ago on That is Priceless

    Fresh harvested pretzels before they salt them and tie the knot.

  6. about 18 hours ago on Super-Fun-Pak Comix

    He needs a hard root beer.

  7. about 18 hours ago on Jeff Stahler

    Give them Utah. It has mountains, deserts, and a dead salt lake. It has sheep cattle and a place the savior of man is supposed to return to.

  8. about 18 hours ago on Sticky Comics

    You can’t let them get wet. Car washes ruin electrical systems.

  9. about 19 hours ago on Liberty Meadows

    The artist needs to know salesmanship and the correct fine wines to get the customer drunk enough to see art.

  10. about 19 hours ago on Loose Parts

    He is proud of getting promoted out of the sewer.